Showing Posts For Deshiba.3704:

Ascalonian Catacombs Story mode difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deshiba.3704


I agree, Lvl 80 with lvl 70 gear. Still able to die in AC, CM is a cake walk. The easiest way to balance this out would be to make CM the first dungeon…

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deshiba.3704


TL;DR: Got nothing to do you say? No end game? Press H and navigate to the “Achievements” tab. Tell me you did it all

Funny how on one side there’s the people that say that dungeons (especially AC) are too hard. And on the other side there are people that claim to have done them all. One of these sides has to be wrong, or possibly both are?

To those that say they have nothing to do; “Pictures or it did not happen.” Prove it right here, right now. Low goal: Post a screen-shot with the character select screen showing 100% map completion, joined the Vigil, Durmand Priory, Order of whispers, Maxed PvP and WvW rank.

Mid goal: Post a screen-shot with all the Slayer achievements, all the jumping puzzle achievements, all the “Look at me my character is awesome” achievements.

High goal: Post a screen shot with all the different story mode achievements, all the different weapon mastery achievements, basically 100% achievements all round. And while we are at it, go stand over the end boss near the unopened chest of every dynamic event boss that spawns a chest.

Anyone, please prove me wrong and post right here, that you have absolutely NOTHING to do Have a good day

About the 100% exploration thing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deshiba.3704


Since the achievement and progress is character bound, I’d assume this has to be done within that character.