Showing Posts For Devilsown.9376:
On the Top of Lost Precipice (highest point of the map)
We build this in 3 parts. First and second with Pumpkins a month ago and the last one we build 2 days ago with tons of chairs and crates.
Ups, I’d forgotten that thing with page.
Thank you for the hint.
Only 50 trades are shown over /transactions/current/sells
Arround June, I thought it’s only for the first time, for testing the Api, so I didn’t ask, but in between I think I should:
Is that intentional or is it a mistake?
“Guilds’ rosters, history, and MOTDs for all guilds you are a member of.”
- roster
- ranks
- event log
- upgrades
- motd
“Read and write access to your guilds’ chat.”
- read/write access to guild chat
That’s a little problematical, because it affects also other players. Every Guild Member has to trust every other Member that he/she don’t share his/her token with dubious webpages or archive every writen word to a DB, even he/she is offline.
This should need something like a allow/disallow from a guildleader and the status should be displayed under /v2/guild/id or (much better) somewhere ingame.
There are Topics about “forge Superior Weapons easier”, talking about “less clicks” not “more clicks”.
I normaly buy Superior Blueprints, don’t forge them and I bought my last “Siege Master Guide” some month ago.
In between you changed something.
Now the “Mystic Forge Attendant” ask me “Are you shure you want to purchase…?”
Thats an additional mouse click for every Blueprint you want to forge (every Omega = 3 more clicks!)
Whats next? Asking every forge “Do you really want to forge …” ???
Please stop that.
It’s ok, to ask at Bloodstone (200 Spirit Shards) or Eldritch Scroll (50 Spirit Shards), but not at things that coast less then 5 Spirit Shards.
How long does /v2/items need to update?
The following Items are part of /v2/commerce/listings but not of /v2/items
9102, 12709, 29952, 29960, 29964, 29974, 31113, 31120, 31124, 31127, 31130, 31131, 31132, 31133, 31135, 31136, 31137, 31139, 31140, 31144, 31167, 31168, 31169, 31175, 31178, 36687
A good point to start, much better than searching for not existing recipes.
I Found id=12709 in the Tradingpost (ingame) “Pot of Pumpkin Bisque”, made and sold it.
/v2/commerce/listings?id=12709 changed, but /v2/items?id=12709 still shows “text”:“no such id”, over 2h later.
Do you plan a translation for Characters (lang=)?
Of course, it’s no problem to translate Race, Gender and Profession by my self. So I do not need a translation by API, but if it’s planed I would wait
Hmm, it might make sense to move the equipment over to the “characters” permission (it currently requires the “inventories” permission). I hesitate to make a permission for everything; my goal is to keep the number to 7 or fewer.
Can you put the Look / Wardrobe and Colors to the characters permission and only the Stats to the inventories (and later to the skills)?
An other Idea could be an easy and an advanced mode for the permissions. Or an easy mode with opt out for all subpoints.
Some ppl are already a little bit unhappy with the Guilds in the basics and even more with the Guilds in the characters.
The Mastery System must be much better explained ingame or it must be impossible to choose “no Mastery”. I lost 3 Level until I even noticed the small Icons and 5 more until I understood how it works.
Game crashes often while intense / fast Trading-Post use.
What would you (A-Net) do, if such a bug hit the PvP while your (so overhyped) 50k$ Tournament? The Final Days, 16 teams left, the first round 13 teams are able join with 5 Players, the rest only with 4. kitten happens? “We restart the Servers, so next Round all of the 8 teams left should be able to join with 5 Players” ??? Really?
But in the (stupid and uninteresting) WvW it’s ok?
The Job-o-Tron Backpack is a funny thing in PvE, but not in WvW!
“Boing.” or “Faster. Faster!” isn’t that helpful while you are on secret operation next to an (more or less) afk enemy.
Oh and I’m 100% shure that “You—can’t—catch—us!” killed me more then one time, because the enemy thought something like “Do you think so? Let’s test it out!”
Hopefully the “hide backpack” -update will come soon.
I’ve definitely simplified the way it actually works with the above description. A more accurate way of putting it would be to say that when you travel/log-in to a map, the game finds the best instance to put you in at that time.
The game did not do that!!!
I joind cursed shore with Thief and watched a big Zerg running Bosses, something I really missed since the release of the Megaserversystem. So I changed immediately to my Farm-Char (all possible MF-Booster active) and joined CS again. But there was no Zerg, even there wasn’t a Commander. So I relogged and joined again: Other Megaserver, Com on the map, but only a small Zerg. That was not I searched for, so I stoped this and changed back to my Thief and what I found? The big Zerg I watched at the beginning.
That happend not even once, it happend many times.
That really hurts, because Boss-Farming with a random Zerg is my favorite activity at GW2!
It is funny how from start of the league everyone calling us (RoS) blobers and now only one who is blobing is DL.
At reset we ran 4 guild raid on map where I have been (WSR) and we met only dzag blob of 60+ all the time. And it wasnt just randoms but in those blobs were guilds with 15+ people.
First of all: RoS played the last 2 weeks better than DS
Since the beginning of the API, I read the data and put it in a really big database.
My analysis last weak about your Server made me panik. You had much more coordinated activities. But I forgot, that these does not work against servers with players in the hold over all 4 maps. A run on Stonemist Castle and DS homeland Garrison at the same time does not change anything for us. Full map is full map, no one has to decide for a target to defend.
We had 3 TS-Groups on WSR yesterday: The Community (20 up to 35 players) leaded by the Guild Dare, ODZ (with 50% in the hold → yes a big WvW-Guild), GH + friends, and ~10-15 randoms (no one knows where they were and what they have done).
You did not run against one Blobb, you run against 3 seperate groups fighting the big fights together, but running and attacking the smaller targets mostly seperate. That was our taktik for that evening and you are writing nothing else than “our taktiks worked”
The Point is, that we were 3. Liga until the start of the archivment-points. WvW is much about ‘Mass of Players’ and now we have the mass we never had before. Until the season start I never was in the hold of Drakkar over all 4 maps. Yesterday I was in the hold for more than 3 houres
Hm Blobb->Blobbiger->Drakkar Lake! It is not fine to play against you…i think this is Guild Wars… No?
Drakkar will win the next two weeks, they have much more players^^!
@Gajsu they are NOT better, they are MORE!!!!! It´s not the same!
DS is a more community based Server, we are the german RP-Server. We have WvW-Guilds, but the mass in Teamspeak is from random Guilds and at the moment we have millions of pointchaser, too (before the starting of Season 1 we had sometimes full maps, the last 3 weeks we had mostly full maps). This evening I was for over 3 h in the hold
So, you and I we have to play with it. Thats it.
9 days and 3 patches ago…
“Thanks for the report, I will investigate this.” means “I will put it to the SVN, marked as not urgent”, or what?