Showing Posts For Devon Madrion.8937:

[Poll] Should the SAB stay permanently?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devon Madrion.8937

Devon Madrion.8937

This is literally the most fun ive had in gw2 so far

Arah dungeon- seers path is impossible to finish.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Devon Madrion.8937

Devon Madrion.8937

+1 to this…. we just spent around 3 hours trying to defeat dwayna, had the spark run down to a science, like others have said, she seems to hide at 50% health no matter what, also the sparks just kinda break aggro for no reason.

Please Separate PvE and WvW achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devon Madrion.8937

Devon Madrion.8937

I Just want to give an upvote here. I find WvW kills an extremely frustrating part of the monthly achievements.