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[Guide]30 pts in valor gameplay (Hammer)

in Guardian

Posted by: DhZ.8234


Excellent read, useful even before reaching 80 (or even 60, the earliest you can unlock AH). Helped me learn some things and plan ahead while I’m levelling, too. One part of the guide sparked a memory of my own that might help update information.

In Section 13- Sigils, there was a question about using Perception and Bloodlust together. Specifically, with Perception in one weapon set and Bloodlust in the other, could you build stacks of both effects together by killing some with one weapon and some with the other?

A while back I was running a Minor Bloodlust sigil (was in the late 20’s at the time) on one weapon, and decided to try a Minor Luck on my other set. From what I recall of that experiment, I don’t think the stacking buffs from these “gain stack of X on kill” sigils are compatible- whichever one gets earned first will be the only one that will count until you lose the stacks. It DID work to have the same rune on all weapons in the loadout though, so you could stack on every kill regardless of which weapon set was out.

I’ll try to get some time in to field test this again and make sure, maybe also test the different strengths to see if it was just a bug in the Minor tier sigils or if it’s across the family. Can’t try out the top stuff yet since I’m still yet to break 60 (limited game time most nights) but I’ll do what I can.

UPDATE: Well, some of tonight’s non-GW plans collapsed so I went ahead and checked out the sigils at Minor and Major tiers. My memory was right- whichever stack effect is earned first will lock out the others until the stack is lost. Minor level didn’t actually HAVE a Perception sigil (odd, that) but I tried out another stacking one and the results were consistent. I’d wager it behaves the same all the way to 80.

(edited by DhZ.8234)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DhZ.8234


One more bump for the ability to Preview item appearances from the Trading Post window. We can already Preview from Vendors, and while I know that NO code change in something as large as a major MMO is “simple” it also shouldn’t be terribly difficult measured relative to some of the other changes that have been/are being made to the game on a monthly or even weekly basis.