I have been running a regen/tanky (0|0|30|10|30) build and want to switch over to this for a bit and see how it works. My current gear is Cleric (PTH – head, shoulder and hands) and Soldiers (PTV- chest, legs, feet) all with Runes of Altruism. I have an amulet of Protection (PTH) and a karka shell but other than that my jewelry is whatever I had at the time. I have been running with GS / Axe+warhorn all clerics with water sigils and energy on the horn. I am going to pick up two sigils of battle but where should I be looking stat wise for my trinkets and longbow/shortbow to get the most out of this build. My current stats are toughness 1738, healing 908, Conditions Damage 325 and Crit at 13%. Any help would be appreciated.