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12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Disen.8620


A brief history of DB: We were in the upper tiers since the start of the game, even since the beta iirc. We had a large WvW population with the same great Oceania presence we have today. But we had a large exodus of guilds leave for SoS, so we ended up with a weakened daytime presence (like we still do) with a night presence that was about equal to the upper tiers- hence we started getting absolutely demolished.

It took about 2 months to finally get out of that downward spiral, and once we stabilized, we ended up with a similar balance that we have today- weaker daytime but a strong nighttime (again, thanks to our Oceania players who didn’t jump ship <3 ). In the bottom tiers, where even daytime coverage is limited, we would just control the map almost 24 hours a day. So we’ve been climbing the rankings until the daytime presence of our opponents is finally greater than ours, creating the unique asymmetrical balance we have in our matches.

It seems we may have gotten a few transfers, but our daytime coverage has been mostly the same since we stabilized. We’ve got potential, but definitely quite a way to go to continue to move up more tiers.

Any corrections from DBers with better memories than I are welcome

Edit: I’d also be happy to read brief histories of Maguuma and Yak’s too, if anyone is willing to share them!

This is pretty much 98% accurate except for a few things:

We had the first mass fallout of guilds after we fought and lost badly against Crystal Desert and Blackgate(Not sure about BG being the 3rd server). We kept falling down a couple of rankings, and at this point a bunch of big guilds(mostly NA presence) were starting to doubt whether it’s worth it to stay in DB or not a.k.a. they gradually stopped playing wvw and server morale was low overall and this pushed us down the rankings further. A few weeks later SoS was starting to climb up the ladder and we met for 1 match up where the next major guild fallout happened, the majority of our NA presence and some Oceanic presence guilds went on to hop into SoS.

Tbh I’m relieved DB had mass fallout at the early stages of wuvwuv, because of this we started gradually gaining a stronger community and server loyalty. This means that once we stop winning we won’t get hit as hard by a mass fallout like before which was just plain terrible.

I also want to add that ‘Dragonbrand’ is one of the best server names in GW2.

Not exactly. we were in teir 2 and fighting blackgate and CD after 4 days of winning we lost a major oceanic guild to blackgate. we ended up losing that match in the end during the next week matchup we dropped a tier and were put up against SoS and we lost 7 NA guilds then we fell hard for many weeks.

SoS came wayyyyyyyyy later after DB had already had its first major fallout — SoS was our 2nd fallout which did us in NA presence-wise, literally wiped us of any major NA guilds we had in the server which to be honest wasn’t that much. The only guilds they took from us(that mattered in wvw) were around 2-3 major guilds.

From what I remember, there was a time when DB was paired up to fight against CD and JQ, we were 2nd place during this line up with JQ demolishing both CD and DB in points, I’m talking 100k+ lead. The next match-up was CD/DB/BG(unsure about BG being the 3rd server) and CD won against us, this is where the fallout started. We kept going down the ranks and kept losing more and more guilds on the way down.

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Disen.8620


A brief history of DB: We were in the upper tiers since the start of the game, even since the beta iirc. We had a large WvW population with the same great Oceania presence we have today. But we had a large exodus of guilds leave for SoS, so we ended up with a weakened daytime presence (like we still do) with a night presence that was about equal to the upper tiers- hence we started getting absolutely demolished.

It took about 2 months to finally get out of that downward spiral, and once we stabilized, we ended up with a similar balance that we have today- weaker daytime but a strong nighttime (again, thanks to our Oceania players who didn’t jump ship <3 ). In the bottom tiers, where even daytime coverage is limited, we would just control the map almost 24 hours a day. So we’ve been climbing the rankings until the daytime presence of our opponents is finally greater than ours, creating the unique asymmetrical balance we have in our matches.

It seems we may have gotten a few transfers, but our daytime coverage has been mostly the same since we stabilized. We’ve got potential, but definitely quite a way to go to continue to move up more tiers.

Any corrections from DBers with better memories than I are welcome

Edit: I’d also be happy to read brief histories of Maguuma and Yak’s too, if anyone is willing to share them!

This is pretty much 98% accurate except for a few things:

We had the first mass fallout of guilds after we fought and lost badly against Crystal Desert and Blackgate(Not sure about BG being the 3rd server). We kept falling down a couple of rankings, and at this point a bunch of big guilds(mostly NA presence) were starting to doubt whether it’s worth it to stay in DB or not a.k.a. they gradually stopped playing wvw and server morale was low overall and this pushed us down the rankings further. A few weeks later SoS was starting to climb up the ladder and we met for 1 match up where the next major guild fallout happened, the majority of our NA presence and some Oceanic presence guilds went on to hop into SoS.

Tbh I’m relieved DB had mass fallout at the early stages of wuvwuv, because of this we started gradually gaining a stronger community and server loyalty. This means that once we stop winning we won’t get hit as hard by a mass fallout like before which was just plain terrible.

I also want to add that ‘Dragonbrand’ is one of the best server names in GW2.

Commander Modification

in WvW

Posted by: Disen.8620


Commander status should be bought with influence points through the guild and should be voted for by the guild members themselves on who gets the title.

I.e. Commander status costs 2,000,000 Influence Points and whoever gets it must be resolved by the people in the guild themselves

This basically means that the guild and its members has been there long enough to accumulate the huge amount of influence points. This also encourages bigger united guilds as opposed to smaller scattered guilds.

Any other WvW berserker staff-wielders?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Disen.8620


I have full on berserk set, i top 100 kills an hour in wvw with a group(i’m useless alone if i’m fighting a thief/warrior), but like some people said it’s quite annoying dying to thieves in 1-2 shots.

my build is

30 fire
10 air
10 water
20 arcana

it’s actually quite fun since my #2 water skill can drop 8k crits max against 60% of players i encounter in wvw, on average my #2 water skill crits 3-6k however.

sad thing is my only survivability comes from all util spells, mist + teleport is pretty awesome but once you pop those skills and then go back into battle and then chit goes wrong, you’re basically dead already.

A New Alliance on Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Disen.8620


I think you got the wrong impression from what I was trying to say.

By dictatorship I meant only through the alliance with whom all the guild leaders will follow without second thoughts or doubts. Not exactly inflicting fear through the whole server like you’ve clearly explained — just to clarify.

But of course this requires a player that’s already proven himself in the battlefield as an effective leader and must be nominated by all the guild leaders.

A New Alliance on Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Disen.8620


I would suggest having only guild leaders on the alliance, and then assigning guilds to handle specific WvW maps through the leaders. Reason being information will be more protected, can be easily communicated.

i.e. 50 guild leaders in the main Alliance Guild — the leaders will then be assigned specific maps for their guilds to participate in.

Assign 20 guilds on EB with specific tasks
Assign 10 guilds on Borderlands 1 (5 guilds go for territorial tasks/expansion — 5 go for orb)
Assign 10 guilds on Borderlands 2 " "
Assign 10 guilds on Borderlands 3 " "

These are all just raw ideas I have, I would prefer the Alliance handle ALL the borderlands while 2-3 major guilds handle EB, mostly because EB requires the most teamwork and communication out of all the WvW maps.

I also just want to add that a dictatorship is the most effective way of handling WvW. Balance is an ideal concept in the battlefield but it is incredibly hard to achieve, imo outright impossible.

Some of you might think this is a ridiculous idea, but when Anet starts actually doing major work on revising WvW and fixing kitten it will all boil down to who has the best leader and how well his world can follow his orders.

But of course, these are just my opinions.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Disen.8620


@Greep it is just a rough idea, the system is much more simple than how I vaguely explained it.

Simply it is just being able to put up an orb of defense in a keep claimed by a guild and that orb of defense provides buffs to that certain structure that helps the night time players regardless of number.

This basically means that once your guild is able to deliver the buff to that structure you can pretty much just go to sleep since the buff encourages the invading world to bring a massive amount of manpower to try and capture the structure.

Instead of having players there all the time, it will take tactics to kill off the guards, think of them as champions/bosses in the PvE world. Maybe the melee guard has the ability to do a 1 shot aoe which has a 90 second cooldown while the ranged guard has an ability of the same calibur.

These ideas are just something to work with, that’s why I don’t exactly go into too much detail about it which makes it versatile enough to manipulate depending on how people want to see it as.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Disen.8620


Just gonna post this idea I have here which I made from another topic

It’s not that hard to notice that players from losing worlds who get night capped lose interest in WvW eventually as the week passes by, rendering WvW the least enjoyable feature of the game for the rest of the week after the better populated world gains a 25-50k point lead which keeps on increasing as the week progresses.

I’m a player from Dragonbrand and I noticed that when we were paired up with Jade Quarry and Crystal Desert last week that after the first 2 days of constant battle everyone(DB & CD) just started to chill out for the rest of the week after JQ successfully outplayed both servers in the day time and night time, this isn’t exactly my ideal fun for WvW(low player morale) and hopefully others hold the same thoughts too.

So I’m proposing making guild Influence Points more useful in WvW on top of being able to research only slightly useful stats via the WvW guild research tab which affects fights in minimal ways.

What is the idea?

The ability for guilds with enough Influence Points to be able to research an orb of defense that has the ability to further fortify keeps/towers/forts/supply camps for a duration of time. Only the guilds that have claimed these structures may be able to apply this buff to that location.

ex. My guild claims Klovan in EB and already has the orb of defense researched. A designated player of the guild/the commander then has a limited time to deliver it to Klovan in order for it to be activated.

The buff could then be modified depending on the location it is used at:

ex. Towers:
Improved health/vitality/toughness of guards & they gain a stacking debuff(chill/cripple/vulnerability) aura depending on the type of the guard(the auras are hand picked by the guild). World invaders that come close to these guards are affected by these debuffs which gives small amounts of defending players a chance to fend off huge zergs from structures within their world’s territory.

What does this idea accomplish?

No low populated world is left behind in all the action of WvW at all times of the day/night, but of course all of this still requires the organization of a participating guild.

Does not entirely demoralize strategies of night capping as it still needs an organized guild(s) to setup and make effective.

Encourages night time players from low populated worlds to start WvW-ing by being able to take advantage of this buff which day time/prime time players have set for the night time population.


Cannot be used all over the map, only where your initial world territory is. If your world is located on the lower left part of the map then this buff can only be activated on Wildcreek, Rogue’s Quarry, Aldon’s, Klovan, Golanta, Jerrifer, & Lowlands. But I can imagine this as being an offensive buff too.

Costs 100k Influence Points(possibly more) and takes 3 hours to research? Can only be researched in WvW, can only be used in that specific WvW matchup. Research is gone if not used yet by the next rotation.

(edited by Disen.8620)