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On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


Yeah I agree with you. I would suggest a possible random reset and variable timer so people couldn’t just let them age and then farm. Best setup would be to have players just take whatever color they see the champion/event with.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing is the exact kind of toxic design that Arenanet sought to avoid with this game. I don’t mean to call it a bad idea on principle. It’s interesting. It has potential in some regards. But it’s very similar to the long-respawn competitive boss camping that plagues many more traditional MMOs.

To highlight why such a thing is impossibly unhealthy, I’ll use an example of my time from Forsaken World. There were mini-bosses that spawned on timers in the open world. Once killed – and they could be quickly solo-killed – they would take hours to respawn, but their rewards (in the form of rare pets) were potentially valuable. Wanting one of these, I went for it, only to find that another, higher level and better geared, player appeared out of nowhere – they had the timers memorized – and scored the last hit while quickly out-damaging me, stealing the mob and its rewards. Obviously, that was a bad experience for everyone. It was a bad experience for me – as I was robbed. It was a bad experience for anyone who would have liked to kill the mob at a later time. It was even a bad experience for the farmer – who was forced to abuse a nonsensical system to effectively grief other players for his own benefit (though he may not have seen it as a bad experience for his own sake). Similar “contested content” has appeared in a number of traditional MMOs, including Everquest, but it’s really hard to defend as good design (because it isn’t).

Despite the wonderful individual loot system of Guild Wars 2, such a mechanic would cause terrible community interactions. Players would once again dread to have other players show up to start their precious champ farm early and would likely go to such extents as sending in wasted reports on players for “griefing” mob spawns.

To be fair, it’s a well-conceived idea. It has good intentions and it certainly would be an interesting way to break champ trains apart and give players rewards for doing underplayed content. I would like to see such a thing work, but it, unfortunately, doesn’t take into account that players are a) often out to optimize their rewards and b) often toxic when said optimization is threatened.

Yeah I could see them abusing it. That is why I would suggest the random reset to the loot color, not the mob, also variable timer is for when the mob color changes not when the mob spawn.

They would still spawn at the rate they already do in the game. champs or events that have gone undone for a while have a chance gain rarity color.

With a random reset to their loot rarity color people couldn’t plan on making the mobs age for their exploitation. With a good variable timer on when it ages it would be impossible to predict when it flips, especially if its a random variable timer.

Best option for the players is to run around the world and doing the event no matter the color as instead of it ticking from orange to purple it could just reset back to white.

Twilight and Sunrise or Eternity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


Yeah I’d keep em separate.

Plus if you like “somewhere in the fact that it is the most expensive weapon in GW2 gets me going” then having both separate is worth more than combining them.

Currently Eternity is 4,899g while both twilight and sunrise comes to a total of 5,890g, that’s 991g less for eternity.

You get more flexibility keeping them separate. Do as you please though, it is, after all, your gold.

OHH yeah there is something to be said about seeing those two weapons being quickly swapped while it’s on someones back, or hand. Seeing sunrise, then twilight would be the most amazing disco ball you’ve ever seen

(edited by Disruptive.8039)

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


Yeah I agree with you. I would suggest a possible random reset and variable timer so people couldn’t just let them age and then farm. Best setup would be to have players just take whatever color they see the champion/event with.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


+1 I like this idea you suggested.

One Idea that I have been playing around with, which I will suggest in more detail later, is adding Champion loot rarity colors to their name as more time goes on that they haven’t been killed. So over time if a zone hardly sees many players then the champions in that zone as they get older begin to undergo color change for their name.

For instance you have this champ called “Champion Risen Juggernaut” in Sparkfly fen that hasn’t been killed in 2 hours, his name text now becomes blue and he has increased loot drop rates, be it money, karma, items, skins etc., rewards can also be done in stages of rarity.

So now its been 4-6 hours since he has been killed and his rarity becomes green, increased rewards. He survives 6-12 hours and now becomes yellow, 12-16 hours and hes orange, then 24hrs + and he becomes purple.

You can also toy around with the timers to cause a chance of reset so people won’t just let them age, then go on world wide farming train tours. I would also recommend variable timers for when they age so as not to make it predictable. Achievements and titles could be added to this as well.

This system could be applied to temples or events that haven’t been done in a while. Including random dynamic events.

People would now be more encouraged to explore the world and check on all champs, temples, events.

I’m sure seeing “Temple of Balthazar” in purple letters would entice people to attempt that event more often, or even the random smaller dynamic events going on around the world.

In fact you could tie this in with the OP suggestion.

As you kill champs or do events with more rarity color you get the chance to get tricolor keys that can be used in that zones key chest. You would then be able to create skins themed for that zone that are in those chests.

I would love nothing more than to see players running about doing things in every zone as this would make the world feel more lively.

(edited by Disruptive.8039)

What would GW2 be like with trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


an actually good jumping puzzle.

I’m not sure that is what people were upset about. Perhaps it was because, “good jumping puzzle,” is an oxymoron to some people.

Probably people with bad twitch reflexes

What would GW2 be like with trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


I’d never play the game if it had trinity. There are tons of MMOs with it, and just as many that failed. Doesn’t seem the trinity has a great track record either.

Does that mean trinity is impossible to execute successfully? No. It does mean though that some games will stumble using it.

Does Guild Wars 2 stumbling a bit mean that lack of non trinity doesn’t work? No. It just means, like the trinity games that fumbled, GW2 needs to be tweaked in order to be in a good place.

Trinity or not group content wouldn’t be any better. In fact it would be far worse with Anets design decisions.

Wildstar should be interesting to see. I am also excited about the no trinity EQ Next as well.

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


Yeah world 2 after the raft made me quit. I’m not rage quitting or anything its just the type where you don’t even want to bother getting worked up over all the bs the “game” will give you. I’ll just forget this SAB part of the patch ever happened.

Shame considering how much I loved SAB when it launched.

Also how you could not expect this to happen with how disliked world 2 zone 1 was back during the other SAB. People would always state how much they hated the rapids.. so you continue giving us more of that. Smart, real smart.

Then I noticed the unlimited continue coin for 600 gems and it all fell into place. I sure hope nasty practices like this don’t continue into the future. I mean its not like Wildstar is coming out..