Showing Posts For Doastar.6059:

Would it be possible to promote someone for an award???

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doastar.6059


At the moment we have a report function, for gold spammers, botters and all round nasty people.
What about the people that go out of their way to help their fellow gamers? Whether it be via in depth chats to help someone who has been asking questions on /map or the people that show others that are struggling to find that way up to the vista?

I realise that this would of course be exploited at the first opportunity, however if the reward were small enough (a 10 karma pt boost) and only available once per character per day or some such. I think it could be a good system to reward those gems of people that help others all the time.

Klakka The Brainy Pirate [Skill Point Gendarran Fields] [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doastar.6059


36 hours that I have been monitoring. No NPC, when you enter the area the ‘event in progress’ pops up but that is it. I have submitted two in game tickets.
Word on the street is, it is working fine in overflow, but is broken in normal.