Showing Posts For Doobiefog.8347:
Wow just checked my thread. For shame on a lot of assuming I have 0 experience with this game OR working together with people. That is the exact opposite and I am well aware of how to run a group(many raid leads in a game I wont mention here) and am extremely knowledgeable of EVERYTHING in the kittening dungeon. That does not mean it is still not stupidly difficult.
I come to you now fresh off another run with some great people. Minor hiccups here and there under my leadership. Yet we were stopped again at Ralena and Vassar boss fight. The illusionary mages that attack for 500 are near invisible and the rate at which our group remained confused (and as such taking 300 a tick for thinking about moving) was almost 100% uptime. This fight turned my smooth sailing well oiled-machine group into a babbling mess of death zergs and cries of WTFpwned
To all of you claiming this will be easy or it is easy for you while having sex with a panda with NO hands come try it with semi skilled players from 30-45(i.e. The levels this dungeon SHOULD CATER TO) and talk to me then.
I love gw2. a lot of things are done right. Dungeons are a mess and are the main reason I will not recommend this game to friends.
The starter dungeon AC (story mode because its first for new players) is insanely difficult and requires what amounts to throwing yourselves at your enemy until they die. over and over again. I’ve only succeeded when grouped with 2 or more level 80’s
Damage is way over the top and if you fail to dodge or simply can’t read the future you are punished severely. As a new GW player, but a long time MMO lover this leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Simply put I don’t like to do dungeons in this game.
Examples: Spike traps rooms are hell. The thin red lines indicating instant death (and no chance for revive since you’re standing on them) are very hard to see in a dank tomb where spells are clouding up my screen.
Aoe damage fields (such as foefire and Ralenas lightning storm) same deal, if you get caught and are low on endurance or health or wits. You’re dead again with no chance of revive.
I love a challenge, but this requires more luck than skill. That’s not fun. That’s called gambling.