Showing Posts For Doran.4785:

Xen of Onslaught [XoO] Isle of Janthir

in Guilds

Posted by: Doran.4785


We are currently looking for self-motivated players who want to move up in the ranks of a guild and take on potential leadship roles. Currently have positions open for people interested in leading in WvWvW.

(Ft. Aspenwood) <tmp> Medium sized guild recruiting anti-zerglings

in Guilds

Posted by: Doran.4785


Thanks for the responses so far, keep them coming!

(Ft. Aspenwood) <tmp> Medium sized guild recruiting anti-zerglings

in Guilds

Posted by: Doran.4785


Looking for an active but relatively manageable sized guild where you won’t get lost in the zerg? <TMP> is recruiting a handful of players to add to our core, we enjoy all factions of the game with an emphasis on guild grouping for Explorer Dungeons and WvWvW but we can be found participating in all facets of the game.

We have been playing together since Vanilla WoW and earlier and have experience pretty much everyone MMO out there. We have done the high end raid scene, DAOC RvR, and wow arenas but have decided that playing together with people we get along with out-weighs being #1 or having the biggest zerg in town.

Pretty much any caster class is in demand but if you fit in personality wise any classes are accepted. We mainly provide support and flanking in WvWvW and let our gameplay do the talking, not mouthing off in Map chat.

Message Doran Scalebane in game or post/message on here for info.

World Rankings as of 9/28 (New Format)

in WvW

Posted by: Doran.4785


Fort Aspenwood dropped 3 ranks this week, after last week being the lowest rank server in our grouping we are again the lowest rank server in this grouping. Thanks to not having any night time presence we are well behind again already after winning most of the evening last night.

I feel like I have to xfer to a server with an oceanic pop just to get good competitive pvp during the day since people give up after being so far behind a few days in.

Economy? What Economy?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Doran.4785


How many “Dawn” greatswords are on the AH right now? How much did they cost last week, how much do they cost this week. If the economy was healthy, and bot free, stuff would be getting cheaper, not more expensive. Generally speaking for the most part.

Keep in mind im breaking this down to make understanding how it works easy for you to all understand. Frankly arguing with anyone about how Bots have a negative effect on the economy is pretty kittenin stupid to begin with..

Yes, im so naive..

Because the price will always go up on high end items as gold becomes more available? Its much easier to make gold at 80 then it is at level 20, and as people continue to hit max level and buy out their exotics the price of the highest end items will continue to increase as demand rises and disposable gold rises. The only reason that exotics and such remain low is that the mats required are inexpensive and the supply out weighs the demand.

I only wish I had purchased my legendary prereq early on when they were affordable (only double to triple cost of the same exotics) but I didn’t really have the cash and I didn’t know which one I wanted.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Doran.4785


The simple fix to this is make the buffs more contingent on what is currently capped instead of the overall points from the week. People don’t want to wvwvw and spend money on siege after a few nights of being night capped and being an insurmountable amount of points behind with the other team being buffed even more.

Currently WvWvW dies if even after a day or two of getting night capped, we were winning all night with good fights all around, get back on today 8 hours later and Sea of Sorrows has twice the points we do even though we have already recapped everything.

Or Anet could factor in the night cap servers, should be a fairly easy metric to measure based on server pop and wvwvw pop at varying times, and balance them against each other. In theory that should make the wvwvw better for everyone since the night pop servers will be playing each other and the day pop servers will be playing each other.