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Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


East Coast Servers always have a major disadvantage going up again DH, simply because its one of the few ‘unofficial’ Aussie servers, so when its peak time for you guys, all of us are sleeping – Which again, kinder makes a mockery of WvW in general. I think umm..Sea of Sorrows was the other unofficial Aussie server too.

Anyway, these week I expect DH to run away with an easy win because of that fact ~ Ebay has a severe lack of population, unless your counting PvE bots running around..I still think the population levels are broken (Click World transfer) Everything is high ~ our server at 5am in the morning is dead – no chance in hell is Ebay high population not unless there is a bot army somewhere hiding out.

Unofficial aussie server? Anyone that plays on DH got a good laugh at that one. Our “night capping” crew is a relatively small group from all different guilds and time zones. What we gain with efficiency late night we more than make up for with little organization and population mid-day anyway. At any rate it was nice to see that at least some people fought through the night in EB and kept us from sweeping the zone.

I was thinking this would be a fairly balanced match so I hope people don’t get discouraged because the total score is uneven and just give up right away. Things seemed to be fairly even at the start so even if populations are uneven during certain hours I hope that doesn’t keep people out of wvw. Another week-long boring lopsided match means everyone loses.

Darkhaven is Recruiting

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


Darkhaven doesn’t lack for players it lacks for competitive matches. We were fortunate enough to have one of the few close matches the first week. Second week the bandwagon of transfers made the rematch end in a landslide. Now we have the most worthless blowout match ever.

What’s funny is now that we have every point on the map there is a que for every wvw map. Too bad those people didn’t bother to show up last week when it might have mattered. Now I’m wondering if we will move up so far we will end up with another lopsided match. They need to stop allowing people to abuse the transfers, modify this ranking system so you cant move more than one bracket in a week, and adjust some of the mechanics to keep matches from being so lopsided. If they don’t, by the time 2 week matches start then I think a lot of people will start to lose interest in wvw. I know I have until things change. I have no interest in fighting at the spawn no matter if my server is winning or losing a boring lopsided match.

Sorrow's Furnace vs Darkhaven vs Sanctum of Rall - WUVWUV

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


Yes well apparently an even fight is not what a lot of people want because now this week a bunch of guilds have gotten together and come up with an amazing, brilliant strategy…. all transferring to the same server! Wow what an splendid display of tactics and strategy! Who could have guessed that simply getting a large number of players to switch servers would win the day! Yes now the server that was a close 3rd place is now a dominant 1st place and outnumbers both servers during all hours.

What a fantastic display of players gaming the system to stack the deck in their favor. Even when by accident an even match is set up some people always have to find a way to make sure they don’t have to play an even match. This transferring nonsense, the fact that no one can take anything in this match without being accused of hacking, and all the bickering and trolling pretty much has turned a lot of people away from wvw.

See you guys next week when you get a tougher match you can’t easily win and you transfer back?

(edited by Dordane.5412)

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


Just balance the ques out so one team can’t have 100 people while the other one has 20. A scoring system based on population is just going to get exploited and abused. I can just see people shouting in team chat “omg we are losing in this map to that zerg!! Everyone leave now so they get less points.” Unbalanced teams is boring for everyone and ruins the whole fun of the game imo. More balance might also stop all the roving nomads that switch servers every time a new wvw match starts.

I would love to see a chart on server transfers over a one week period. I’m actually dreading getting a match that’s unbalanced in our favor because I’m betting that the que times will go up.

Your system would fail in the same way. You answered yourself here.

Only if it was a 1 for 1 que and you kicked people out when the sides got unbalanced. That’s not practical. It would have to be some kinda of tier system to prevent people from blocking just by leaving. I don’t know what the real numbers are in wvw, but lets just say you can have 100 people on each team max. Just allow 20 or 25 ppl on each side to start then increase by 10 or so. Yeah in theory you could still be outnumbered 20 to 1 but I kinda doubt that will happen too much.

Too many times i go into a map when one team has the whole map and i see 50 invaders spawn camping 5 guys. People que in and see that they say forget this and leave the map. Momentum means a lot. It’s a snowball effect and it is why so many matches end up one sided. Most of the complaints about wvw come down to unbalanced numbers. Yes balancing ques would result in longer ques on more highly populated servers. Good! Just the thing to deter more people from going to already overpopulated servers and move to less populated ones.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


Just balance the ques out so one team can’t have 100 people while the other one has 20. A scoring system based on population is just going to get exploited and abused. I can just see people shouting in team chat “omg we are losing in this map to that zerg!! Everyone leave now so they get less points.” Unbalanced teams is boring for everyone and ruins the whole fun of the game imo. More balance might also stop all the roving nomads that switch servers every time a new wvw match starts.

I would love to see a chart on server transfers over a one week period. I’m actually dreading getting a match that’s unbalanced in our favor because I’m betting that the que times will go up.

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


limiting transfers to once every 24hrs won’t fix the wvw problem at all. It will stop people from abusing it to farm, but that’s about it. I hope that the ques on the “winning” servers continue to grow. I hope it’s 8 hrs or more next week. My hope is that then the organized guilds will move off of those servers so they can get in the same maps and play together. Then all that will be left on the high population servers are the hundreds of idiots that just went there so they can pretend they are good because they play on server xyz. Insanely long ques is the only way this problems will fix itself. Always count on people doing what is best for them and forget the idea that people will do things for the greater good because it never happens.

Simple solution to the wvw imbalance...

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


yes, but you can’t tell me that 20 people no matter how good they are can stop the most unorganized zerg of 100 either. The numbers don’t have to match exactly, but as it is now, it’s just plain broken. Every single match the team that fails to keep the map at max population loses ground and eventually gets wiped off the map.

Oh and by the way who had the great idea of giving the winning team stat bonuses and the team with less players gets an exp buff? Really, what good is an exp buff when you can’t even get out of your own spawn area. Those things should be reversed if anything.

Simple solution to the wvw imbalance...

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


You already are locked out. If the map is full you sit in a que now right? What is the difference? Why does the notion of even teams scare people? Do you really think an entire server will refuse to log in at all for a whole 2 weeks just to spite the other team? You must not play wvw much to think that anything approaching that lvl of coordination is possible…..

Simple solution to the wvw imbalance...

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


Well mass logging out won’t do anything unless the high pop team got kicked out and as I said that’s just not practical. I wouldn’t want to get kicked out of a game because the other team left either. As things are now the team that locks up the whole map has 100 people running around spawn camping. Then when the other teams log in and see the mess they just leave. Having an unplayable match during many hours of the day helps no one. Unless some mechanism is used to better balance these matches, wvw is just going to be a side feature that most people don’t even bother with any more.

Simple solution to the wvw imbalance...

in WvW

Posted by: Dordane.5412


Balance the numbers in each map. All this talk about server rankings and who is “better” in wvw is a joke. Every match I’ve seen boils down to who can maintain maximum population the longest. Every time when the 24 hr matches started the scores were fairly even until late night or early morning one server with the greater population gains momentum and takes over everything. Once they fortify and pile up siege the other two teams just leave and the cycle repeats the next day.

This is of course compounded with the ridiculous idea of letting people have unlimited free server transfers. This makes about as much sense as me playing a baseball game and in the 2nd inning I just change teams if my team is losing.

Make every map only allow equal numbers of players on all sides and then maybe these scores will mean something. It may not prevent “night capping” because to do that you would have to kick out people from the teams with higher population and that’s just not practical. It may give the “losing teams” a better chance to get back in the fight the next day if they aren’t met with 10-1 numbers against them though.

Of course doing this would greatly increase the ques on the more heavily populated servers causing massive amounts of QQing. Pardon me if I don’t shed a tear for all the clowns that flocked to the “winning” servers and then complain about 3 hr ques. One thing you can always count on is people doing what is in their own best interest. Unless it is in some way beneficial to move from high population to low ones, the current situation will continue. I think being in a que all night might encourage some people.

This won’t solve everything, but it might help. All of the complaining about server alliances and cheating just shows how difficult it is to design anything when people try harder to game the system than they do to play the game. The lengths people will go to just to make sure they don’t have to face a fair fight is amusing.

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” -Albert Einstein