Showing Posts For DoubleSmoke.3269:

The Monk - a tanky dps build guide

in Warrior

Posted by: DoubleSmoke.3269


Just wanted to let you know that I am loving this build. Switched out a bit for money’s sake (full rabid equip and trink, undead runes and passionflower on trink) and it rocks. I especially love this build because I just hit 80 (only my second lvl80) and I was able to achieve full exotic equip with about 10g, some karma and some BoH. Thanks zone!

The Monk - a tanky dps build guide

in Warrior

Posted by: DoubleSmoke.3269


How viable is this for WvW small group / roaming situations? I especially want to try this build as I just dinged 80 and don’t want to drop 10g on melandru runes, which nearly all builds revolve around.

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: DoubleSmoke.3269


Build please? I just dinged 80 on my warr and desperately want to try this build.