Showing Posts For Dr Magillicuddy.8475:

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dr Magillicuddy.8475

Dr Magillicuddy.8475

This is embarrassing for A-net. Were it just a side quest, it would still be annoying that it blocked zone clearing, but this is a main quest line. The point where a significant quest is bugged, and blocks you from advancing the story for a MONTH without repair, is the point where I consider cutting my losses at the $80 for CE, and not wasting my time with a broken game. What a shame – a great game being killed by poor support.

EDIT: Today’s patch seems to have fixed it, I was able to complete the quest.

(edited by Dr Magillicuddy.8475)