Showing Posts For DrMaluco.9380:

[PVE/PVP]I hate necro traits

in Profession Balance

Posted by: DrMaluco.9380


It’s dificult to even take ranger in acount since he exelcs or has some use in both pve/pvp, from my experience the necro is literaly shut out of pve and bottom of barrel for tournaments, but thats my perspective.

until they balace every class, to even the playing feild, the state of the necro is an “avoid me” sign

AFKer in Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: DrMaluco.9380


Never met afkers even at top 1000 soloQ (and sure not at top ~500) So…Who cares.
Thx Anet to sift crying people from serios games.

lol the irony, if you want to sink with your boat, do it alone, there’s 9 other player’s that rather play another map….

to think anet takes down underwater combat and leaves this cheese fest map is beyond understanding…

PvP is dying

in PvP

Posted by: DrMaluco.9380



horrible balance of classes
horrible, same maps
and cheesy meta over all

no wonder it’s dead, it’s nothing more then a waste of time, at least i got diablo 3