Showing Posts For Draco Magnus.2473:

Official Skill Balance Thread: 22 February Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draco Magnus.2473

Draco Magnus.2473

I totally understand the Meteorshower nerv.

But why the Air-Overload?
D/W ele was at one level with thief and condi ranger. (and maybe engi if he is really good)
Now there are better classes in the only thing eles can do in raids.

Ok, you can heal. But then we would need an uniqe group buff or something like this. Otherwise Druids are better.

Make Eles great again!

(edited by Draco Magnus.2473)

Bersi or Assassin? Maths!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Draco Magnus.2473

Draco Magnus.2473

Sorry, but that’s false…
i haven’t checked everything but:
max critchance = 100, so max useful precission = 100 * 21 + 916 = 3016
if you take in account, that you will have furry (eles should always have furry) = 80 * 21 + 916 = 2596 (that’s pretty close to full assasin)
then your group has a Warrior with Banner of Discipline 2596-170 = 2426
and a Ranger with Spotter 2426 – 150 = 2276

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draco Magnus.2473

Draco Magnus.2473

I read that we will get Tokens for Achievements
Do we also get Tokens for Achievements, which we have already got?