Showing Posts For Dragos.4983:

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragos.4983


I haven’t been able to play at all recently, and most of my friends suffer from the same thing ADD A FOV SLIDER I BEG OF YOU, it’s come to the point that we’d rather not play than feel like complete carp, I still don’t understand why this had not been implemented, LOOK at the demand Arenanet!! it’s not just one or two people!!

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: Dragos.4983


Gnaues Harshblast, 8.5/10 I really like the play with vowels and it sounds very charlike Harshblast is amazing for an engineer :P

My Charr warrior is"Rhendahk Razeflint" pronouced as “R-ain-dock, Raise-flin-ht”

Audio tutorials?

in Audio

Posted by: Dragos.4983


Is there anyway that I would be able to edit my voice or a colleagues voice to sound like a Charr, or just to add more bass and the growl that the Charr have, obviously I wouldn’t use this to make any money, this is actually just for my YouTube Channel, I would like to make an intro with the Charr voice, for my GuildWars2 videos that I upload, if there are any file presets for any programs that I would be able to use, this is would be extremely helpful and save me days on end to try to make my voice sound the same any information would be helpful! Thanks!

Superior Material Bag

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragos.4983


Not likely to, but it might help on the price of rares+

Android/IOS apps to make the best of it!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragos.4983


I am an app developer, alongside with my friends we have had an amazing idea for GuildWars 2, asuch as I would love to make it myself I am caught up in my own projects, but what we came out with was an app that you would have a separate log in and password that is connected to your gw2 account, but it doesn’t allow you to change anything, just to see account information, nothing important for security purposes, but enough info to make the app worthwhile. Our ideas were to show the following, let’s say you were out with your friends, and you meet a gw2 player, you can show him/her: what your character looks like, your traits, account info, so if you have an android phone, you can touch phones and with NFC you can add him directly to your friends list, guild informations and chatting, this is huge not only is gw2 an amazing game, but it promotes interconnectivity between people, not only gameplay but in social aspects too, that is why you should be able to talk to people not only when you are playing the game, so friends chat and guild chat too. The app should have maps, world completion, it might seem a lot, but it will bring players together in a way that not only requires you to be playing the game, many games do this, and I should say that gw2 would do a lot better, not that it isn’t doing extremely well already, thanks to all who read this, share your comments and concerns below, and any if forum mods read this, pass it on to the developers, thank you all for your time

is FPV added ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragos.4983


I think it has been well over 5 months now that we have been expecting first person view ArenaNet…. It was shown in the dev build before the game was launched, AND AS YOU SAID YOURSELVES that it will appear when the game is out, I can tell that it should be implemented because if you have your character’s back facing a wall and you zoom in from the back, you cannot see your body, only your weapon, which implies that there is already a mechanic that allows for First Person View, PLEASE ADD THIS, I cannot stress enough that you guys are working on more content, when all we need are the little things, because it’s those little things that bring us back to this game/never leave it in the first place, Please ArenaNet, listen to the community and bring in these small features that you have said you would before you start adding new ones!

Is GW2 still not optimized for GPU yet?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragos.4983


You might be having the same issue I was having if ur GPU is getting low usage. Next time you run the game check the GPU usage of all the GPUs. If your Intel GPU is getting 100% usage, then the game has picked ur Intel GPU over ur GTX 680.

I have a GTX 670 with i7-3770k running at 4.0Ghz. Performance wise, 3770k is maybe slightly higher than 2600k. I have the game running at 1920×1080 fullscreen windowed with all settings at max and I get 53fps with the same shot. So you should be getting around same or better with a GTX680. My GTX670 also runs around 70-90% usage. It was like at 20% when the Intel GPU was being used.

If your game is using the Intel GPU, then you will need to disable it from bios to force the game to use the GTX 680.

Problem is….That I have a Z68 chipset, it auto disables it when it detects a separate GPU…I double checked it. I have no idea what’s going on….

Is GW2 still not optimized for GPU yet?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragos.4983


Some people have issue with Reflections and shadows on max ..try turning them down.
Shadows to high(not ultra) and reflections to terain and sky should reduce/remove the freezing and fps drops your getting when turnign your camera.
If you havnt already it might also help putting GW2 on a SSD with the system OS as any culling that takes place wont have to deal with slow access times to you HDD when reloading textures and such.

4.9ghz on water cooling sounds right ..could likely go to 5ghz aslong as temps stay below 80c. Just make sure you doing Prime95 custom blend tests for atleast 12 hours for a full stability test ..6 hours at the minimum for ‘reasonable stability assurance’.

I ran an all night test, blend test, it seems really stable to me, the problem is that if I turn everything to performance, it looks like absolute shift, and even with that if I turn in WvW, or LA and sometimes just anywhere it does lagg, when I turn the screen but is a lot less than on max settings, might be thinking there is a problem with occlusion culling, I did some research and gw2 doesn’t seem to have fixed any problem with that, I will wait until a technical support assistant responds because this problem doesn’t seem to be with me alone, this problem can make it unplayable for me.

(edited by Dragos.4983)

Is GW2 still not optimized for GPU yet?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragos.4983


Thanks guys for responding, in conclusion it was my CPU but I still think this is unacceptable… I have a i7 2600k quadcore (8thread) at 3.7ghz, I over clocked the CPU to 4.9ghz and it is extremely stable after hours of testing, yes the temp goes to 75C with liquid cooling but that’s just fine, I am now able to play everything on max, absolutely every setting is on max and it runs 70fps+, sounds amazing right? It truly does sound amazing, until the same problems come back, when I turn the screen around fast, it goes down to 20fps and sometimes freezes, this is with my CPU stock/overclocked 3gpu’s it’s all the same kitten, I can play if I don’t move the camera, which is extremely annoying, I can play WvW with 50fps if I turn the camera it freezes for a whole 2 seconds, I have debated whether it is “loading something” when I turn, but then it still “load” things when I am walking forward, this game needs to be fixed, I really love this game and I would like to play this game the way it was meant to played as I said in my OP. FIX THIS ISSUE, no other game has ever given me problems like this game has, installing Dayz mod came close, but I succeeded in the end, with GW2, I have yet to see what will happen….

Is GW2 still not optimized for GPU yet?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragos.4983


Over the past few months, I have had the honour of playing GuildWars2, I have upgraded my computer 2 times in the meantime, and I am really disappointed with the results, Here is what I have to say.

Between the time and now, I have had the following Graphic cards:

  1. AMD Radeon 6850 HD
  2. Zotac GTX 580 Factory overclocked,
  3. And currently, EVGA GTX 680 Superclocked edition

To my surprise I had only seen 5-10fps increase, These GPU’s were priced at $300-500$, and they got progressively more powerful, With the 6850, I had 40fps in Lions Arch, at around 6pm (peak hours) and on the GTX680 I have 45-50, this is very troubling because the Graphic Cards are significantly different in power and consumption, the GTX680 is nearly 3 times as powerful as the 6850, but there is little to no difference in game.

All through out these events, I have had the same exact CPU, (Intel i7 2600k quadcore @3.70GHz) and Gskill 8GB RAM.

After all this struggle to try to play this game at 60fps I have further realized that this game is certainly not optimized for most GPU’s, most people would say, “Why in gods name would you want to play in 60fps, 30 is enough!” and I would respond, “I have the money, I do what I want, and when I try to do what I want, I expect it to work.” After putting an immense amount of money into my rig, I would like to get the most out of it.

My last point which is the most important, is that through out this entire process, none….I repeat NONE of the GPU’s went over the 35% usage mark, and this is the reason I cannot play today, I spent $700 CAD alone on just my current GPU, (not going to say how much all of them cost all together), and in game, if I turn around my camera too fast, it will lagg like crazy, when I load an area, it’s fine when I walk in a straight line, but the second I turn that camera, it’s like I’m on my 10 year old computer again.

All in all, I am able to play if I don’t move my camera around, or don’t move at all, or don’t even interact with other players……hint hint (I can’t play this game) Please fix this issue ArenaNet, I know you have done wonders with this game, but the absolute only thing I ask you, is to optimize this game for GPU’s, I want to get what I pay for, thanks for anyone who read this, share your thoughts on this and if there are any moderators or technical support assistants, please contact me, because I would really like to play this game, the way it was meant to be played.


Broken Heart...Still bugged after 3 days....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dragos.4983


This heart is located in Hellion forest just east of Harvester’s Glade in the Iron Marches, the nearest waypoint is Hellion Waypoint, which is just north-east of the heart. The bug is that the NPC is stuck in the house and there is no way to complete the heart because this NPC (Bria) is a world event and it despawned all of the monsters you need to kill, so if we can’t get to the npc we can’t kill it, so the monsters wont spawn, therefore we cannot finish the heart, hope that was plenty of information, I need this heart fixed please, been 3 days already…. I love you Arenanet.


Skill point is bugged, been going there for 2 days now still no npc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dragos.4983


Title says all… This Skillpoint is located in Mournful Depths just off the coast of Jelako Cliffrise in Bloodtide Coast, nearest waypoint is Jelako Waypoint, the skillpoint is just a bit southeast from the waypoint northwest of a vista, thanks for listening!