Showing Posts For Dragunstreak.6708:

Old guild bank on a different server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragunstreak.6708


Ah that was ages ago, I’m afraid I don’t know anyone there anymore.

Old guild bank on a different server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dragunstreak.6708


Hello hello, so I was curious if anyone has some experience on this subject. So when the game came out..I had made my own guild bank for storage, and stored lots of stuff in there including some stuff that was junk at the time, but quite valuable now. I then transferred just before the game was changed to paid transfers, so I am wondering, is that old guild bank still there? I put in a ticket asking if they could transfer me the items or the bank or something, but it’s taking them awhile to respond, and after reading the forum it seems they are pretty busy.

Just curious if anyone has experienced this and had it resolved. Thanks!

Comfirmed- Nothing being done re: conditions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragunstreak.6708


Do you guys who make complaints about conditions being broken, caps ruining the game, mass suicide if conditions aren’t fixed soon plox etc etc, actually fail at dungeons due to these caps? I have a 3 chars I run condition builds on, and I do run dungeons fairly often on all of them, yet even when we have multiple people specced for conditions in the group, it isn’t a huge failure and we gotta reform the group or something, so I honestly dunno what the issue is here. They have acknowledged it, they may or may not be working on it, don’t worry about it, stop posting huge theories about how the game will die or how you “worry” over something so silly and insignificant (God I wish I could worry over things so small and silly). And if someone tries to pull the “But it’s broken in spvp and wvwvw” card, please, just don’t lol.