Showing Posts For Dream Warden.5193:

What's going on with WvW rewards?

in WvW

Posted by: Dream Warden.5193

Dream Warden.5193

A lot of people talking about getting leechers and other undesirables in WvWvW, but it is also true the other way.
Because the rewards in WvWvW are so lackluster, you have me, an absolute noob in PVE ruining it for everyone else in dungeons, raids, etc.
I do not know what I am doing in PVE, and I do not plan on becoming much better either, because it is just something I have to do to get the gear I need for WvWvW.
I do not want to invest in it.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dream Warden.5193

Dream Warden.5193

what about jackal ears so i can look like anubis and eat your cat/bunny ears

You sir, madam, or other can kindly leave. We do not take kindly to those eating fluffy cute things.
The door is wherever.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dream Warden.5193

Dream Warden.5193

I do believe this is a valid suggestion/complaint.
We already have fluffy bunny ears, yet cat ears are lacking.
Of course those are not the only lacking ears.
Tiger, Fox, and….. d….dog… ears..
Maybe not the last one, but the first three would be fantastic to have in GW2.