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in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Druid Of Chaos.8941
I have two characters stuck; one in Lion’s Arch and one in Hoelbrak.
10,000 relics doesn’t seem unreasonable.
if i like a “Rare” skin, and want max stats, why should I have to have a weaker skill than an exotic would provide?
We all know that there are “rich” ore veins, I suggest that there be “Thick” tree nodes that offers equal material chances as its “rich” counterpart.
anyone else think this is a good idea?
What if, depending on what town you are in, when you sell on the TP, the tax that is charged is put to a use in that town. Lets say you are a hardcore Sylvari, and you frequent The Grove, your cultural home, more than say a generic cultural whirlpool like Lion’s Arch. The trading post incurs a 15% tax; lets have it to where that full percent, or maybe only 10% is put into a pot until a certain amount is reached and rewards are available. These rewards could be town specific as in new buildings, merchants, gates, etc. only available to the race of the town. Or, we could go a route where the rewards are race specific, granting increased points to attributes, gold find, magic find, karma gain, xp gain, etc. Of course, these would be relatively small, and not available in PvP/WvW environments. Now, what about Lion’s Arch? Since it is not a race specific location, let us be able to only retrieve 5%, or less, of the tax. Making this a smaller percent, it gives an incentive to want to get away from Lion’s Arch, and back to your home city. I believe this is something could help the community to form unity with others of their specific character race, and have something to strive for, and could lead to further content available to players.
There are longbows, short bows and even rifles and pistols, so why not have a crossbow?
I personally enjoy carrying a mini pet around with me, and I am always using the “Deposit All Collectibles” feature, but I can’t have both at the same time. I would suggest a “Lock to Inventory” feature for mini pets to be able to keep it in your inventory, and still be able to deposit collectibles.