Please ban every engi exploiting this in competitive pvp.
I’ve been running zerker engi for a loooooong time cos I find cele boring.
And now cos ANet broke made barrage I should either be forced to play some condi cancer or be banned?
Again, read my comments.
The fact you throw nades BEHIND the target, which an Engi normally never does to hit his target, to make use of this damage (which in the trait is not said you need aim BEHIND the target for more damage) is just playing UNFAIR. Which is, by Anets rules, not allowed and bannable.
Exploiting this is more cancer than condi-specs, really.
Do you play engineer? Just throwing grenades at someone’s feet is generally close enough to proc the penetration bug. If you purposely try to throw grenades through a moving target you’re more likely to miss the second hit than your are to hit both the penetration and explosion damage.
Also, let’s pretend that in some crazy world that it is a good idea to try and throw your grenades behind someone to get more damage out of the grenades. Doing so would be considered clever, not unfair.
This isn’t an exploit. It’s a bug. An exploit would be more along the lines of thieves being able to infinitely stack might through a glitch and one shot people into permadead like they could a few days ago. In this case, grenades do more damage than they should and people are taking advantage of this by stacking zerker gear on top of it. It’s scummy, but they’re pigeonholed into doing it because it’s the best build.
Start running reflect and learn to dodge better. It’s all you can do until they fix this.
It’s an exploit. Don’t protect it.
It’s two bugs that just happen to trigger when Engineer takes its best trait for its best kit. They can’t help it but they’re most certainly not going to stop running grenades until anet fixes this stupid kitten because people cry about it.
I’m not protecting it, it doesn’t need protecting because it’s going to get fixed. Also, no one is going to get banned for using this. Maybe if it hurt the economy or did something actually game breaking, but as it stands, engineers happen to be able to oneshot people with one ability every 30 seconds by taking the right gear and traits. That’s anets fault, not the players.
Not gamebreaking? What if they use it at ESL and/or Go4 and actually earn real money by winning with this kind of exploit? Don’t you see the problem? I’m not talking about Hotjoin, I’m a competitive player. Not a Daily Rank farmer.
This has the ability to gain an advantage NOT intented in the game.
It’s an exploit. Simple.
Lol. The very fact that you even suggested the idea of this bug being used at ESL is laughable and shows you have no idea what you’re talking about.
ESL matches are private and monitored environments with their own rules. If they want to hand out real money for wins, regardless of whether or not the win was illegitimate, that’s up to them and is entirely separate from Guild Wars 2 itself. Players can’t force ESL to give them money. Arenanet can’t help them other than fixing the bug.
I can’t take you seriously when you say you’re a competitive player yet believe someone using this bug to gain an advantage in a privately funded, opt-in environment is game breaking for the rest of the people playing Guild Wars 2. That’s just you trying to find another reason to whine.
So stop moving the goal posts. This isn’t about grenade barrage being used to win tourneys, or whether or not people are going to get banned for it, it’s about it being broken and it needing to be fixed. But in the mean time, players are going to be able to use it in whatever way they want.
If Arenanet saw it as that big of a deal, and they are aware of this by the way, they would’ve fixed it in the latest hotfix. Or put out a warning for players not to use the grenade kit/grenade barrage. Since they haven’t done either of these things, it’s safe to say this isn’t an exploit and no one is going to get banned for it. What ESL or whatever competitive gaming company decides to do in the mean time is irrelevant and completely separate from the game itself.