Showing Posts For Dwolf.4358:

A window of neutrality in WvW for mapping.

in WvW

Posted by: Dwolf.4358


TinkTink, it’s same in reverse. A PvE’er has to map and farm just as a WvW’er has to, that is even across the board regardless on that element alone on the same note with the map completion. You’re not wrong in that at all.

But yes, PvE’er DO have a problem with a small set of maps, maybe due to either populations, or time differences or whatever else is going on. You cannot say every server has a great WvW on them because you’ve known just as much as anyone about guild’s leaving servers, players transferring because lack of other players.

I’ve personally gotten map completion twice but most all of it was sheer luck on being there at the right time, not because I WvW regularly. I’ll agree with you about if they eliminated and separated the two in that manner or if they went about another manner of making it simpler to complete.

Ritgar: Holly, it’s a Warthog.
Holly Riverwind: Yes! Adorable isn’t he?
Holly Riverwind: The Enemy shall FEAR THE BACON!

A window of neutrality in WvW for mapping.

in WvW

Posted by: Dwolf.4358


And… if none of this, then maybe Anet could release a shadow map where it does not interfere with WvW at all. I would like to see that so no arguments erupt over things.

Ritgar: Holly, it’s a Warthog.
Holly Riverwind: Yes! Adorable isn’t he?
Holly Riverwind: The Enemy shall FEAR THE BACON!

A window of neutrality in WvW for mapping.

in WvW

Posted by: Dwolf.4358


Maybe they could eliminate the WvW requirement like you said Karuna. I would agree with that if it would prevent any bickering or massive disagreement.

Ritgar: Holly, it’s a Warthog.
Holly Riverwind: Yes! Adorable isn’t he?
Holly Riverwind: The Enemy shall FEAR THE BACON!

A window of neutrality in WvW for mapping.

in WvW

Posted by: Dwolf.4358


Actually, it is reasonable when you think about it.

There is a full week to WvW save when they do updates to the game, the same being for PvE, furthermore, you have wait times when it comes to normal reset plus map ques where you may or may not be competing with some individual who maybe is just trying to just get in a map, which would eliminate them as a spot taken on a map people want to get in on. Alongside that you as WvW players can step into PvE with freedom to move and map which PvE’s don’t get in reverse.

Ritgar: Holly, it’s a Warthog.
Holly Riverwind: Yes! Adorable isn’t he?
Holly Riverwind: The Enemy shall FEAR THE BACON!

A window of neutrality in WvW for mapping.

in WvW

Posted by: Dwolf.4358


Proposal Overview
I would like to propose or offer a suggestion to the Dev’s about maybe incorporating a one to two hour window of neutrality once a week on the WvW maps to allow players who do not participate in WvW to map, this would also allow WvW’ers to map as well in the same fashion so they can focus more on WvW.

Goal of Proposal
The goal is pretty much to allow the freedom of any and all players to accomplish something in game without having to resort to having assistance to keep from being ganged up on or have to deal with low populations in a place where they have no interest in of being in, but seek to accomplish an achievement that requires them to venture into.

Proposal Functionality
Basically, incorporating this one to two hour window could occur around the time of reset on Fridays, or around a time that would be fitting so as to help out our oceanic players as well so as not to have a very long window or two separate windows. This would give people a chance to step in, map any of the borderlands or EB, and leave without interfering with WvW groups who have different plans besides mapping. Further more, if done at a time where it was one to two hours, it would give those players who do heavy PvP and WvW, their groups, a chance to take a break if need be or regroup and plan.

Associated Risks
At the moment I cannot see a risk in allowing this to occur as it does not interfere, nor interrupt flow of game play to anyone.

Ritgar: Holly, it’s a Warthog.
Holly Riverwind: Yes! Adorable isn’t he?
Holly Riverwind: The Enemy shall FEAR THE BACON!

weapons: what is gw2 missing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dwolf.4358


I would like the option to use a spear and a Halberd, Guantlet’s sound good since we did have brass knuckles in Eye’s of North when it came out. Including a lot of other Oriental themed weaponry, I mean we had that in Factions, though I like to think that when the Dev team reopens Canthan at a later date we’ll probably have access to those things again. I would like to see Melee type fighting staffs for War’s, Rng’s, and Guardians. Mystic/Steam/Nature powered Miniguns for Engineers as a Kit, or even a Bazooka style type, heck why not, give’m more bang for the buck.

Why not go for broke and add Sharks with Frick’n lasers on their heads for Rangers. I would like to see Crossbows for Ranger’s since they can’t use rifles for some strange reason. Maybe add a few more Ranger pets like a Griffon or some such.

There is a world of weapons they can look to, never hurts to suggest so they get ideas.

Ritgar: Holly, it’s a Warthog.
Holly Riverwind: Yes! Adorable isn’t he?
Holly Riverwind: The Enemy shall FEAR THE BACON!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dwolf.4358


Name: D

Main Character: Ritgar

Current Server: Henge of Denravi

Interested Activities: PvE (Dynamic Events & Personal Story assist if needed), Dungeon Hunts (Story and Explorer Mode), Dragon Smack-downs.

Active: I work nights, my nights off vary but when I’m on, I’m on for a good amount of times.

Additional Comments: I help if I can if it’s answering questions or game play, I cannot provide “Build” information as I have never played games like this to “peak” numbers so you’ll need to ask someone else. I also do Dungeon Story modes to help those who need to go through them for the first time. These are never speed runs so keep that in mind if you join up with an alt and have been through them, however if everyone has been through it then yes, by all means we are hauling butt. I am not looking to join Guilds as I have a habit of telling Guild Leaders and other Guildies to go **** themselves when they get in-game power trips.

Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: No clue, only the Shadow knows.

Ritgar: Holly, it’s a Warthog.
Holly Riverwind: Yes! Adorable isn’t he?
Holly Riverwind: The Enemy shall FEAR THE BACON!

Human Tier 1 shoulder armor coloring change.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dwolf.4358


To the Dev’s,

Would it be possible for you guys to make it where the Commander’s Shoulderplate could go from a single color block to possible two or three?

Block one could cover the main plates.
Block two could cover the lining around those plates.
Block three could cover the small rivet details.

I think this would be nice as it just seems to be lacking for that, other than that I like that piece of armor, just wish it had a few more options to make it a little more personal.

Thanks for your time.

Ritgar: Holly, it’s a Warthog.
Holly Riverwind: Yes! Adorable isn’t he?
Holly Riverwind: The Enemy shall FEAR THE BACON!