Showing Posts For Dynath.6271:

Low framerate with GTX 970 / i7 4790k

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dynath.6271


Hey, I recently started playing again and after downloading the latest patch and logging in I immediately noticed some frame rate issues that I don’t remember having before.

I have a Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 paired with an Intel i7 4790k and I barely crack 45 fps in PVE with everything in medium/reflections off/character model low/Vertical sync off. Also if I turn everything up to max settings it drops to 20~ fps. Btw I play in 1920×1080p which does affect frame rate but I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t be this bad since I play games like BF/CS:GO with above 60 fps with everything on ultra and I don’t get this issue. I also did a benchmark test and everything is fine :/.

If someone has had these issues before that can give me some pointers I would really appreciate it.

I will also attach some screens of the settings.
