Showing Posts For ENDER FURY.5387:
What I meant was:
Woohoo!! finally constant 1.56 MB/sec that thin red line is racing!
btw, this minor fiasco was probably worth it:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Using my 50 MBit bandwidth, I’m finally downloading at a steady 5-12 KB/sec LOL!
Come on guys, stop trying to log in to the servers at the same time you bunch of recluse no-life rejects! Go to sleep!!!
That way I can finally download this thing-a-ma-jig and continue being a proper hermit, glued to the screen drinking coffee after coffee and relentlessly mashing buttons1-9 throughout the rest of the night. After which I’ll then go to work in the morning with bloodshot slits for eyes and giant purple rings under ‘em as if I’d gotten socked in the face twice!
…for crying out loud already!!!
We’re back in business baby!! Nice job Tech Support, only took a few minutes, that’s what I call gettin kitten done! Blizzard could learn a thing or two from u guys
Same here!
EU Server: Ruins of Surmia
Build: 16048
Error Code 42:6:3:2060
We’re all in the same boat. Is it just EU servers, or the US as well?