I would really like a dueling option. Doing it officially in PvP isn’t much of an option unless you do it in a private arena. Even when we’re in WvW, it requires standing on the side of the middle fort or by the sentry in the alpine. There are no assurances that another group or zerg won’t just walk by and kill one of the players. Even for GvG, we have to go to OS or the guild hall which is kind of annoying.
For me, I don’t like easy fights. I want to fight people on my level. When I’m in WvW, I don’t like pleb farming, it’s just too easy. We have a group of 20 hardcore players just mowing through groups of equal size which was why we made zerg busting. It was “fairer” to be engaged in a 20v40+. Both in PvP and WvW, a lot of the game mode isn’t about fighting, it’s about points per tick (PPT). A person could be a bad fighter as a thief in PvP and still have the Champion Shadow title because they’re great at PPT. Similarly, a WvW player could be a mithril soldier and lose to a bronze invader because they focused more on EOTM/WvW farming and PPT ktrains.
I don’t expect everyone to want to duel, but after talking to my hardcore PvE friends, they said they would want a duel function too. If the average player doesn’t want it then that’s ok, but the hardcore players do. And I don’t see why not. It could be sold as an upgrade in the Gem Store for 800-1500 gems. Allowing people who don’t want, not be annoyed by it. ANET makes money on it. The more combat oriented players gain an opportunity to play around and also introduce it to newer players.
In terms of actual duel mechanics, I wouldn’t want a pop up “<Player_X> has challenged you to a duel, do you accept?” and some yes/no boxes. The reason is that they can spam it and it detracts (me) from immersion. In WvW, we use the /bow emote. It would be more immersive and less intrusive if duels had a /bow @ or /duel command. If the other player doesn’t use the /bow @ back within 30 seconds, within 1500 units, and within an objective then the duel has been automatically refused. When the other player has accepted the duel both players are immune to damage/healing from other players, do not gain the participation or affect PVP statistics, nor affect event scaling. A duel would end when the player is downed thus removing the issue of WP penalties or within 5 minutes (because of RI timer). Duels offer no reward for winning. Although it would be nice to wager on fights with a Black Lion Referee to hold the money. At the end of the 5 minutes, the player with the most health wins. If a player disconnects, crashes or closes the client while the duel is in the process, the prize pool will be distributed based on ratio to the last amount of health in the exception that the PVP arena or WWW map is shutdown.
When inside a city, dueling should only take place at specific location. It is annoying enough to listen to people using the tomes of knowledge by the LA bank or TP agent (which is why I always recommend people buy the Mistlock Sanctuary Pass).
PS. Why isn’t there a consume all to level 80 button for tomes of knowledge?