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Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eciruam.1309


The biggest thing for me would be the transition from Guild Wars 1 to Guild Wars 2.

Many of my IRL friends and Guild mates agree that Guild Wars 1 was more enticing to play because you could customize all 8 slots to make very specific and unique builds.

Essentially, in the current system, one’s play style does not change past level 10. This means players are playing the exact same characters from levels 10 – 80.

(Note: I picked level 10 because that’s the approximate level when I maxed all my weapon skills)

As well, utility skills add little to no customization aside from very few. Playing a Ranged DPS Ranger, I simply have 2 buffs (Quickening Zephyr and the Bleeding active) with Lightning Reflexes and Rampage as One. However, these skills do nothing to actually change my play style, and many of my attempted “builds” have had a similar feeling.

What I would like to see (maybe not soon, but in the future) would be a way to customize the left side of the bar. Make hundreds of skills like in Guild Wars 1, so unique builds can start to flourish and players feel attached to their own creation.

However, the skill quality of Guild Wars 2 is a lot more flashy, which means developing hundreds of skills would be painful. Nevertheless, I feel like Guild Wars 2 is trying to be a MOBA instead of trying to be the sequel to Guild Wars 1, where skill was determined by strategy, planning, and coordination.

I hope later expansions and patches release to make this combat less stale.

How to make Guild Wars 2 Fun

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eciruam.1309


If someone hasn’t said this already, then I’ll do it; this needs to be said. Guild Wars 2 is the most beautiful MMO I’ve ever played, and sadly that’s 90% of why I play it. Guild Wars 2 was what everyone was hoping to be a revolution to MMOs. I want to like this game so bad, because I loved the original Guild Wars and I also payed money for this.. But the truth is— it’s boring. I like how the combat looks, but it seems like no matter what you do, everyone has the same skills. I think weapon based skills would be okay, if there was different ones you could purchase like in Guild Wars 1, but instead, everyone is a copy, and the only difference is where you put your traits, and even then, I feel like a lot of the perks and elite skills beat around the bush.
Another thing that is kind of annoying that a lot of people are talking about is the end-game is nothing special. What am I to look forward to? Why am I EVEN leveling? Just so the enemies get harder and then I can only kill one enemy at a time instead of two?

To the Dev’s, if you were player and you asked yourself one question:
“What am I playing/leveling for? What’s the reward?”
-What would your answer be?

Everyone is talking about little changes such as changing town clothes and more emotes, but there needs to be some BIG changes. I want to play this game but I just want to stop playing after 10 minutes of the same thing.
I don’t know about other players, but I like think my character is getting stronger and is just plain B.A., but it seems you’re killing things just as well as you were at level 1.

Thanks for reading.