Showing Posts For Ed Stargazer.9358:

Lazraus is

in Living World

Posted by: Ed Stargazer.9358

Ed Stargazer.9358

I believe ‘Lazarus’ is the Lich; Vizier Khilbron; who was killed on the Bloodstone at the end of original GW. It fits the information available and the Lich could be there as other spirits from other Bloodstones have migrated to the Maguuma stone.

Why is armor design so poor in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ed Stargazer.9358

Ed Stargazer.9358

My wants with current armor sets are fairly simple.
For heavy, bring in a variant of GW Elite Templar. Make armor look like armor again not some overdone thing with so many spikes, blades or special effects on it.
For medium, Some more sets WITHOUT DUSTERS!!!!!
For light, how about a few sets with real pants for casters rather than long skirts all around?