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[Suggestion] Character Remake

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eibhilin.8729


To Ebhilin: I totally agree with your point about Anet having more important things to be doing and I’d hope they would get these things resolved before working on something like this. The ‘buyers remorse’ thing wouldn’t in any way be a result of this new option. As we’ve already seen there are plenty of people who feel that way about the character they’ve created. I might even suggest that forcing a player to reroll the same character to experience their alternative storyline would be even more likely to upset people because there’s no way back, with this system you can change back if you like. I think suggesting that people might resent the fact that some people use real money to by it is a bit strange considering you can buy gems with in game money. I don’t really see a problem with it the game rewarding experience from the missions you haven’t done, you’re still playing the game and investing time but I would totally want to leave that up to Anet to do the math on cause after all they have all the numbers. I think a lot of this is basically people (and I think there are plenty who feel this way) wanting to have more of their game experience to be ‘account bound’ instead of ‘character bound’. Also I’m curious if you could elaborate on how you feel this would make the game ‘pay to win’.

In terms of buying gems with in-game money, I know several people who mismanage their money in game as badly as they do in real life, so for them it’d be more of an undertaking than someone who could put it on credit/debit. It might not be entirely rational, (I don’t really care either way) but I do know people that think this way. (This is the same way in which I perceive buyers remorse occuring, people without the resources or the patience to alleviate the situation themselves. I’m more or less playing Devil’s Advocate here.)

How this would be ‘pay to win’, it depends on where you’re coming from in terms of how you prioritize gameplay. If you “started over” with a level 80 character, you could probably blow through the story elements of each race in one, maybe two days. You wouldn’t be restricted by level to progress through this content, so you would have it all available to you immediately. For a player like me, I would probably be tempted to do this. I’m a story junky, but it would entirely devalue the experience for me. I wouldn’t have incentive to continue playing. I’d feel the same as if I’d gone through Skyrim or Mass Effect in god mode just to get the story elements, and I’d be done with it. Understanding that of myself, I wouldn’t, as I’d feel like I killed an individual with a unique life experience. But this is where I see the most potential for resentment. Balance in these areas is important, and how it’s executed even moreso.

Given the mechanics of this game, and the heavy emphasis on storytelling, it doesn’t make sense to implement that functionality unless you want story driven players to power through all the story content and be done with it. There are still the “map completion” and gear based carrots on a stick post-events and story content, but for many of us achievements and completion ratios aren’t enough to keep us playing, and often in the moment we don’t exercise the best judgement as to the end outcome of taking such actions.

In a new game plus, my experience has been that “remorted” characters restart at level 1, with story based items/background removed and items still retaining level restrictions to that you could only equip them when you react an adequate level. This I’d be fine with, it’s not really terribly different from rolling a new character. You get spiffs and benefits for it, sure, but at that point you’re still working for the content.

Thief Balance Issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eibhilin.8729


I think with the 130 range PW kind of functions as an AOE. I don’t think people realize that it’s… channeled, that you stand still, and that the stun is only 1/2s.

Thief makes my face sad. I love the class. I think PW is fine, especially since so many people already complain about the skill in WvW. I’d rather… not exacerbate the “OMG thieves are SO OP” mentality. Especially when we’re so squishy. Sooo sooo squishy.

[Suggestion] Character Remake

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eibhilin.8729


I think it’s more selfish to ask that Anet implement race changes, than it is for players to not support them. This would be an ENORMOUS undertaking. Assuming they did offer this as an option, you have to consider that they would effectively be breaking the game. With this there would be bugs/complications.

Not to mention there would be players with “buyers remorse”, resulting in people opening trouble tickets asking Anet to restore their former character, when they realize they didn’t like the new races storyline.

This isn’t even considering how unbalanced it is to other players if you have a level 80 character you swap out everytime you’ve completed a storyline to plow through the NEXT storyline and see what happens, if they can’t afford it or find it IMMERSION BREAKING while they level 6 unique characters to progress through those storylines themselves. While you say it doesn’t effect the other players, I could see people being resentful of their friends with money being able to do that for a gemshop item. You presume that everyone holds the same mentality as you in that regard, and I can assure you this is not the case.

Many of us would regard this as “cheating”. In this case, presuming these variables, it’s about balance. Changing your race with gemshop items would make this “pay to win”, even if it’s just in regards to storyline. (Though story missions reward experience, so would rebooting your character that way negate the XP gained from those as well?)

So basically, you’re asking to restart the game while maintaining your level, why not just level another character, it doesn’t take that long and it’s less of a hassle for Anet so they can focus on the existing bugs and work on the elements of the game that are actually making the game unplayable in some instances?

I’m all for makeover tokens or what have you, changing hair color etc. I think the fundamental elements of your character should remain the same. If not to be fair to the players, to be fair to Anet.

(edited by Eibhilin.8729)