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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EightBitNinja.8792


What depresses me most, I have to admit, is how simple the whole thing would be to fix. If they came out and said "new type of gear for new type of dungeon. Same stats as exotic, but with the “runes” locked in to make space for a new slot that interacts solely with this new type of dungeon", that would be FINE. No need to figure out how to fit it in to WvW, no feeling that crafting and basically all other dungeons had been obsoleted, no broken promises, none of it. The people who are both playing Guild Wars 2 and want gear progression have their space to do that in, and it doesn’t effect the rest of the game AT ALL. It’s a nifty pseudo minigame, and I’ll admit I would try it out, though maybe not right off the bat. When it’s SO EASY to fix, having them do this instead just boggles my mind. It baffles me.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EightBitNinja.8792


I doubt I really have anything to add, but on the other hand I wanted to add my voice to the “gear progression is a serious punch in the gut” side of things. I played guild wars one, and I was happy with my max gear. I ran Domain of Anguish, and it was hard because I wasn’t very good at it yet, not because my gear sucked. And I beat it because my team figured out all it’s tricks and improved their skills, not because we got better loot. I’m hardly going to scream about refunds and quitting the game, but I’m kind of…hurt. I’m disappointed.