(edited by Eilanzer.7523)
Showing Posts For Eilanzer.7523:
If anet is rly reading this please…The answer to fix pvp is much simpler than what you guys are trying to do…
Just fix de matchmaking system (please kick/punish afk players too)
Continuous work to balance the classes
A bank and TP inside the mist
New game format (arena, gvg…Something different)
More unique stuff to dedicated pvp players, can be seasons….
We just need THIS not some deus ex machine crap to take something precious to some players and bring others that will leave the pvp after 2 weeks, and just go back to farm…Because your changes just gonna transform our pvp in a farmville!
(edited by Eilanzer.7523)
Removing ranks from the game is a terrible idea. I know myself included with many friends are considering leaving the game if this change is implemented. We have been playing pvp since launch and are proud of all our ranks, and now we will no longer be able to work on it, and all we have to show is a finisher? Jokes. On top of that you’re making the gear we earned through high ranks available to everyone from pve who did nothing in pvp. Great job on destroying the gw2 pvp community or what was left of it
what anet doing is alienating one community in exchange of another…Guess what…In the end this game gonna lose both…
Without a ranking system AND adding gold to pvp A LOT of pve people will go to a pvp match just to farm ¬¬
And what about our work…Our rankings? Will simple go to waste?!
And what´s this new need to level a pvp character, this is ridiculous! the foundation of this game pvp is, everyone is equal and hability is what matter…But now i can´t even create an alt and go to play with it….
And WHY i would want my pve gear in pvp and vice versa?! I don´t play pve anymore why would i care, why throw the effort of your players into the garbage?
the problem for ME about the living story/personal story in this game is…There is no sense of imersion in them…No great epic plot about discovery/heroic/twist feel to it.
The dungeons are stupid, awful story and that skippable conversation was the worst stuff to add, rly…no cg or talk/story ingame?…Full of forgettable characters that i don´t care about or even great ones that the story use just one time…WORST villains EVER (scarlet…Pfff…dude anet rly need to play some Final Fantasy 6 to see how a GREAT crazy villain is, kefka)…
There is soooooo much wrong stuff in the pve of this game and so lil to praise =/
And when will Lederboards become relevant ? I mean it is fun to see you are ranked and stuff but unless there will be some titles, capes, rewards or something for top ranks they are pointless anyway.
Also maybe it would be smarter to show lederboard ranking at end of match instead of ranks.
THIS indeed…Right now a pvp player is just a tryhard without a single reward or motivation.
There is a LOT of bugs and useless traits in the necromancer bloodline (a lot of them don´t stack together).
But the great problem in the Necro siphon health skills is the rly LOW stack with healing power, heal is almost useless right now and if i´m not wrong siphoning health don´t even use Healing…The passive hit siphon minor trait don´t use, or the value is so low that don´t even matter if you have healing power =/
Anet betrayed his own initial philosophy of “no gear grinding”…“High End at lv 1”…“Gear just for the look…Not the power” ¬¬
STOP trying to copy WOW (You will lose there!) and traying to think new ways to please your customers…It´s simple…
-Ranked Arena
Just that…It´s simple…And nothing bad can come applying this…
The problem with CD is that several players fled to servers that are in better positions…And now…We don´t have problem with the queue…AND…Basically not a single life in the maps in most times, especially at dawn. This sunday we take redlake, Shadaran Hills and and orb from ET borderland…But this monday morning we have nothing ¬¬
Anyway…The fight this week is fun as hell XD