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Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: El Aland.3512

El Aland.3512

[Incident: 121113-003712]
Thank you for following up on my incident. My account has been fully restored with support acknowledging it was blocked in error. I suspect without your assistance on this forum I could have been waiting much longer.

For the innocent GW2 customers ,
Thought you might like to see a successful outcome. They don’t come quickly though. I started on Nov 9th, repeatedly followed up, and today Nov 27th I got my account back with everything where I left it.

For the management of GW2:
I understand there were issues getting out of hand that you were trying to address after I started researching what was going on. However, I find your course of action used extremely poor judgment, and foresight. Casting a net that catches innocent customers is not a good decision. To compound that error with insufficient resources to address legitimate customer issues that you created in a timely manner is… shall I say “disheartening” to those of us who have spent a lot of our time in Tyria.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: El Aland.3512

El Aland.3512

[Incident: 121113-003712]
Gaile, I can only assume Thanksgiving limited, or eliminated any work on my ticket for the past week. My hope, and expectation is to have my account back by the end of next week – Nov 30th. If I see no real progress by then I will have one last communication to post in an effort to regain my account.
My updated timeline:
Nov 8 – Played GW2 without issue
Nov 9 – Falsely banned for “real money” account sales on attempt to login.
Nov 9 – Ticket submitted requesting to restore my account, and a second ticket correcting an error in the email address for my game of the original ticket.
Nov 12 – Posted to this forum requesting help
Nov 12 – Response from support that my account was restored
Nov 12 – Attempted to login to the game which failed for same original reason
Nov 13 – Submitted a new ticket [Incident: 121113-003712] with attachment of previous ticket communications
Nov 13 – Received request from support for 25 digit game key
Nov 13 – Provided two game keys as I couldn’t tell which one was mine, and which one was my wife’s since I had pre-purchased both of them.
Nov 13 – Informed by support my ticket had been “escalated”.
Nov 15 – Posted to this forum again, and obviously still waiting…………………
Nov 18 – Posted to this forum again. Still get same ban notice when I attempt to login.
Nov 19 – Gaile’s update list for Nov 15-19 indicates my incident is “Under Review”
Nov 25 – Posted to this forum again. Still get same ban notice when I attempt to login with no further updates for my incident.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: El Aland.3512

El Aland.3512

[Incident: 121113-003712]
It’s been yet another 3 days since I last posted with no further update via email, and I haven’t seen my incident number in your report update. It looks like you are working hard, but I’d like to think customer support could at least provide updates on all the outstanding tickets, or at least where our individual incidents are within the queue. I’ve been patient, and doing my best to work within the system that should never have banned me in the first place. I’d like to have some indication the system is working before my patience ends.

My timeline so far:
Nov 8 – Played GW2 without issue
Nov 9 – Falsely banned for “real money” account sales on attempt to login.
Nov 9 – Ticket submitted requesting to restore my account, and a second ticket correcting an error in the email address for my game of the original ticket.
Nov 12 – Posted to this forum requesting help
Nov 12 – Response from support that my account was restored
Nov 12 – Attempted to login to the game which failed for same original reason
Nov 13 – Submitted a new ticket [Incident: 121113-003712] with attachment of previous ticket communications
Nov 13 – Received request from support for 25 digit game key
Nov 13 – Provided two game keys as I couldn’t tell which one was mine, and which one was my wife’s since I had pre-purchased both of them.
Nov 13 – Informed by support my ticket had been “escalated”.
Nov 15 – Posted to this forum again, and obviously still waiting…………………
Nov 18 – Posted to this forum again. Still get same ban notice when I attempt to login.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: El Aland.3512

El Aland.3512

I’m at 8 days without my account, and counting; I’ve been posting in the 3 day and older thread when appropriate. It’s time to post my relevant thoughts on this thread. So what kind of player in my case have you terminated?

Well, first of all up to this point I was a huge GW fan. I’ve logged over 6000 hours in GW1 over the past 4 years. I am a Champion of the Gods. I was enjoying GW2 as my new primary MMO, while still playing GW1 to attain my GWAMM title. I’m an engineer, and grandfather. I’ve played GW1 primarily with my wife, and one of my grandsons when he stays with us during the summer. I love the MMO experience as a way to relax, and escape. I’ve been engineering for almost 35 years, and once ran my own business for a decade so I understand servicing customers. I am also one of five
customers selected to serve on a board to advise a very large multi-national company on how to improve their service organization. They take my suggestions, and actually change the way their service organization works to meet their customer’s needs.

I am simply flabbergasted at the approach used to address whatever the issues are – botting, real world money sales, etc. From a business perspective the “kill them all let God sort ’em out” approach is a GUARANTEE to lose legitimate customers. IF my account is reinstated I will probably get over my irritation after awhile, but I certainly will cease spending additional money until I’m confident you’ve addressed the manner in which you police your game. I know these false bans were not your intent, but the methodology that’s been used would have professional repercussions for those responsible if they were worked for me.

I certainly don’t need my escape from reality to provide real world headaches. I am currently spending a little money on alternate MMO’s, and getting into them until I think it’s safe to not risk my account with GW2 simply by playing it.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: El Aland.3512

El Aland.3512

My timeline so far:
Nov 8 – Played GW2 without issue
Nov 9 – Falsely banned for “real money” account sales on attempt to login.
Nov 9 – Ticket submitted requesting to restore my account, and a second ticket correcting an error in the email address for my game of the original ticket.
Nov 12 – Posted to this forum requesting help
Nov 12 – Response from support that my account was restored
Nov 12 – Attempted to login to the game which failed for same original reason
Nov 13 – Submitted a new ticket [Incident: 121113-003712] with attachment of previous ticket communications
Nov 13 – Received request from support for 25 digit game key
Nov 13 – Provided two game keys as I couldn’t tell which one was mine, and which one was my wife’s since I had pre-purchased both of them.
Nov 13 – Informed by support my ticket had been “escalated”.
Nov 15 – Posted to this forum again, and obviously still waiting…………………
Please help if you can.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: El Aland.3512

El Aland.3512

My ticket number is Incident: 121109-002992, I apologize for issuing a ticket previous to it where I’d mistyped my login email – 121109-002989 before I’d figured out how the ticket system worked. I was permanently banned for supposedly engaging in real world money sales which I never did. All I know is I played perfectly fine on Nov 8th, and when I tried to login on Nov 9th I was notified my account was banned. I’d appreciate assistance in restoring my account.