Showing Posts For El Lolita.9132:

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: El Lolita.9132

El Lolita.9132

I really enjoy playing GW2. This game has so much potential and this is why I will give you my advices as a player for the futur. Those are, in my opinion, keys of success for PvE and PvP.
As a recently graduated economist, I always have this sentence in mind while thinking about something :

“Remember what worked in the past, watch what is working now and guess what is gonna work in the futur”.

As a mater of fact, most of the people playing since the start are now a bit disapointed with the current state of the game. Remember however that a complaining player/customer is a player that loves the game.

I really hope somebody from Anet will read this because I truly think that improving those key aspects of the game would raise a lot of interest for the game.

1. High reduction of the number of WAYPOINTS in NEW areas

WHY? Because they reduce a lot the excitent and the feeling of exploration/danger/far from the city.
They were no WP in GW1 and they are no WP is the new others successfull MMO’s.

2. Focus in new PvP modes, maps and HoH substitute

A) The tournaments of legends are nice but only dedicated to “hardcore” players with a available 5 players team. You really should reintroduce a substitute to HoH/paid tournaments where people can group IG and just enjoy. The currents TN are way to repetitive and players would get much more exited by multiple steps TN.

B) By introducing new modes, it will allow players to play different meta/teams than those required for the contests. The build/team creation was one of the best aspect of GW1. Teams/builds diversity is something very important for many players.

Examples of modes : Team deathmatch (with or without respawn), Capture the flag/relic, King of the hill (3 teams matches), …

PvP maps are small and 3 steps permanent TN could be fast introduced. Just give them a beta period in order to check what is working and what needs fixes.

C) Better rewards ! WHY? The answer is simple => it will give you the player base that this kind of PvP requires in order to quickly start the TN and the matches. Give players MEANINGFULL titles/armors or amount of gold/gems according to their performances in TN/HoH.

3. New areas/instances that STRONGLY challenge the experienced players

Just remember the HM(Hard Mode) in GW1. Players need CHALLENGE. But not only against World bosses. They wanna spend time in building a specific build and strategy for a specific small scale mission. This is what your players are asking for. Some good ENDGAME that will CHALLENGE them even with the best gear.
Example : FoW and UW in GW1

Thanks you for reading this. Please consider those 3 key points with attention.
As a player do you agree with me?

Just take some time to remember what people loved in GW1, what they love in GW2 and in other succesfull MMO’s and what they need to continue playing this game in the futur.

Sorry for my approximate English and I wish you a nice day!

(edited by El Lolita.9132)

Keys of success for PvE and PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: El Lolita.9132

El Lolita.9132

I really enjoy playing GW2. This game has so much potential and this is why I will give you my advices as a player for the futur.
As a recently graduated economist, I always have this sentence in mind while thinking about something :

“Remember what worked in the past, watch what is working now and guess what is gonna work in the futur”.

As a mater of fact, most of the people playing since the start are now a bit disapointed with the current state of the game. Remember however that a complaining player/customer is a player that loves the game.

I really hope somebody from Anet will read this because I truly think that improving those key aspects of the game would raise a lot of interest for the game.

1. High reduction of the number of WAYPOINTS in NEW areas

WHY? Because they reduce a lot the excitent and the feeling of exploration/danger/far from the city.
They were no WP in GW1 and they are no WP is the new others successfull MMO’s.

2. Focus in new PvP modes, maps and HoH substitute

A) The tournaments of legends are nice but only dedicated to “hardcore” players with a available 5 players team. You really should reintroduce a substitute to HoH/paid tournaments where people can group IG and just enjoy. The currents TN are way to repetitive and players would get much more exited by multiple steps TN.

B) By introducing new modes, it will allow players to play different meta/teams than those required for the contests. The build/team creation was one of the best aspect of GW1. Teams/builds diversity is something very important for many players.

Examples of modes : Team deathmatch (with or without respawn), Capture the flag/relic, King of the hill (3 teams matches), …

PvP maps are small and 3 steps permanent TN could be fast introduced. Just give them a beta period in order to check what is working and what needs fixes.

C) Better rewards ! WHY? The answer is simple => it will give you the player base that this kind of PvP requires in order to start fast the TN and the matches. Give players MEANINGFULL titles/armors or amount of gold/gems according to their performances in TN/HoH.

3. New areas/instances that STRONGLY challenge the experienced players

Just remember the HM(Hard Mode) in GW1. Players need CHALLENGE. But not only against World bosses. They wanna spend time in building a specific build and strategy for a specific small scale mission. This is what your players are asking for. Some good ENDGAME that will CHALLENGE them even with the best gear.
Example : FoW and UW in GW1

Thanks you for reading this. Please consider those 3 key points with attention.
As a player do you agree with me?

Just take some time to remember what people loved in GW1, what they love in GW2 and in other succesfull MMO’s and what they need to continue playing this game in the futur.

Sorry for my approximate English and I wish you a nice day!

(edited by El Lolita.9132)

[To Devs] Save Power Block!

in Mesmer

Posted by: El Lolita.9132

El Lolita.9132


It is in fact a good move toward a better developed game diversity and gameplay quality.

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: El Lolita.9132

El Lolita.9132

I think that you could improve the PVE gameplay by reducing the number of TPs and giving higher rewards to those explorating far and deeply maps. With all those TPs and reviving system, PVE is too easy and there is no real incentives to come back in first beautifull maps or to form a good group to go far from Tp into a dangerous zone. With all those TP’s, cities also lost a bit of their attractivity and it considerably reduce the roleplay ( Due to hundreds of teleportation from everywhere to everywhere everytime).

Do you think it could be a good idea?

Btw your idea of a new reward system is already exellent.