Showing Posts For Elder III.3158:

Issues granting Season reward chests

in WvW

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

I just logged in after the reset and patch a few minutes ago and I had the chest waiting for me.

Based on what other people had reported, I was quite pleased with what I got out of it.

Mini Dolyak
6 Yellows
5 Greens
Taste of WvW XP
9 Tomes of Knowledge
5 Scrolls of Knowledge
100 Empyreal Fragments
100 Dragonite Ore
1 Purple Essence of Luck

*JQ – 2’nd Place NA Gold League

Issues granting Season reward chests

in WvW

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

I think a big part of the confusion here is that one of the recent patch notes (from Wednesday, said that it included a fix for wvw reward chests.

so the people who still don’t have their chests are wondering “is that it? am I SOL then?” confirmation from Arenanet that they are aware that the existing patch didn’t fix 100% of the problem and that they’re still working on the rest of it would be helpful.


I concur completely. As it is now I am going to wait for the WvW reset this evening and if logging in after that doesn’t give me my silly chest I’m going to come back here and complain vigorously. I also won’t be spending any of my Christmas money on Gems this year if they don’t fix this issue. (call it blackmail if you will, but it’s justified in this case)

Issues granting Season reward chests

in WvW

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

I just checked after the latest update where the patch notes said the issue had been fixed. I still do not have any chest showing up to use my key on.

Issues granting Season reward chests

in WvW

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

I have played on Jade Quarry ever since the first day of the very first beta and have never transferred anywhere. I finished the WvW Season 1 meta Achievement several weeks ago and have had the key ever since. I had some issues preventing me from playing for awhile (real life stuff) and when I logged in tonight I did not have any popup chest or anything in spite of my attempts on different characters, logging out and back in, changing graphics settings etc. I can double click the key and i hear an “opening” sound like I hear when a Daily Achievement chest or similar pops up, but nothing ever appears on my screen for me to open.

I was going to create my own support thread, but I saw this one and thought it might be easier/better to just add my problem here. Is it a logical presumption that I am one of the small percentile that isn’t getting the chest in spite of never having transferred servers ever?

*For what it’s worth, I cannot remember if I had any issue with the Dawn of the Season achievement or not….

(edited by Elder III.3158)

Runes of Speed not giving 6-piece bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

I’m going to bump it too, to concur that my personal testing does show a roughly 5% speed buff (as it used to be) for the Runes of the Traveler. It’s certainly not 25% and personally I hope the runes either all stay at 5% boost or it’s restricted to PvE only. Just think of the speed an Ele attuned to Air could run you down with in WvW with these Runes working as the description indicates they should…

TA Blooms

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

Please let me know if this still happens.
Thank you!

Yes indeed, this is still happening on nearly (possibly every) “inanimate” object in the game. It’s bad enough when this occurs in regular exploration, but it is much worse in a Dungeon. Come one guys, it used to work without problems, which should indicate that you could fix it. Don’t you want people to do TA (among other places) because they [I]like[/I] it rather than just because they need the tokens for a Legendary? Do the right thing and fix it or explain to us that you can’t. I can live with you not being physically able to fix something much more happily than just believing that you don’t care.

Zodiac weapon skins!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

I like the way they look, overall it’s the best weapon set of the “new” sets in GW2. I don’t give a rat’s rump if they look different than the GW1 Zodiacs did (I owned those too fyi). It’s a different game, if I wanted a carbon copy I would go back and play GW1 again. doh

Anet —- please stop with the ever worsening RNG. It cost me 175 Gold to get my Aetherized Rifle, which is ridiculous. I’m not going to be wasting anything on BL Keys again after that, but I would consider buying a skin outright for some RL cash. If armor sets are 800 gems ($10.00) then I think it fair to offer a weapon skin for 400 gems ($5.00). People would buy them like candy. Let us have 3 ways to eat our cake please.

  1. - very rare drop as in-game loot
  2. - very rare BL chest drop
  3. - spend $5.00 and get it outright.

^^^ That should keep everyone happy, other than the perpetual whiners. :p

Long load times after latest patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

Both my computer and my wife’s computer have significantly longer load times as well. I have an SSD and she has a 7200 rpm HDD… go back to the 4 week release schedule so you have time to ensure Quality Control before releasing. Please.

[Merged] Karma Spender

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

Will we all get 1 extra Achievement Point since most of us only spent the karma tonight because it was a “Daily”? It doesn’t sound like much, but I know we would all appreciate it.

Critter Crits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

I’m not sure what my max is (I do have the achievement), but we seriously need some type of Ambient Killer Title Track.

Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

Guild name: Tyrian Explorer’s Armory [TEA]
Server: Jade Quarry
My guild rank: General (Leader)
Issue: Since the 2/26/13 Update the Guild Treasure Vault now requires Architecture Level 4 to be researched. My small (6 members) guild was very excited to be approaching the point where we could research the Treasure Vault and now we need an extra 10,000 influence, which is a Huge amount for us to acquire. I can understand having the Guild Deep Cave require a Tier 4 upgrade first, as well as all the new shiny stuff for Guild Missions, but why change it for the Treasure Vault as well? Several of my guild members do not have the luxury of multiple personal Bank tabs and extra Character slots just for storage, so this upgrade was going to mean allot to them.

I would like to know if this is just a bug or if it is meant to be this way?

New Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elder III.3158

Elder III.3158

I did this last night with 3 guildmates and a random person. Once we made it to the Ghost Eater and finally figured it out (good thing I was the one person in the group that had seen "Ghost Busters) and started communicating well with each other we were able to charge up the traps and slowly whittle the Boss’s health away. The problem was that one of the 3 traps (West) did [I]NOT[/I] work at all. Another bigger problem was that on 4 separate occasions Ghost Eater froze in place and endlessly cycled through the “spitting out babies” animation for between 5 and 10 minutes each time. It took us almost 4x the normal amount of time to finish that dungeon and we were despairing that it wasn’t going to happen at all. With 3 of us having to get up for work in the morning this was a major disaster and until it’s fixed my guildmates won’t even consider playing it again.

*This doesn’t even include the terrible lag with the gravelings in the Spike Trap room (lag that never existed in my previous 34 runs through AC) or the ridiculous Champion Spider Queens new poison traps (I hope that was a bug and not the way it’s meant to be).

  • I’ve been a loyal GW devotee for 8 years now and this is the first time I’ve been irked enough to make a post on the official forums, so please take it seriously. Thank you.