Showing Posts For Eldryk.8150:

Returning player LF Guild...(Will transfer)

in Guilds

Posted by: Eldryk.8150


I’m returning after planning and completing my wedding, honeymoon, the holidays and at last have time to breathe yet again.

I beta tested GW2 and played quite a bit early on, while bouncing around between alts. I’ve currently got 4 characters all in the level 9-12 range and am seeking a guild to do mostly PVE and WvW with.

I’ll transfer servers for a good guild with enough people who play during my availability. I play anytime after 10am-noon CST until typically 5-6pm CST after I’m off work, so quite a bit of time available. I can play evenings when I feel like it too. Would love to see if there are any active guilds on during these time frames for me to get to know.

Thanks in advance from a veteran gamer.