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Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ellen Page.2381

Ellen Page.2381

Well I don’t think anyone talks about that it effects the actual gameplay. This game however is a lot about cosmetics no matter if it is skins, titles or minis.
I do fully agree that it is not something Anet should put their main focus onto. But only because you don’t care about cosmetics as it seems doesn’t mean others don’t aswell. So you also have to respect those who do and not make them feel guilty because they do.

Literally the entire thread has been composed mostly of people whinging about how someone else’s title somehow nebulously affects their gameplay experience. Which is tripe.

GW2 is not Barbie Dress Up Island or whatever. Sure, there is a focus on cosmetic upgrades (as opposed to stat grind in other MMOs) but these are neither the main thrust of the game NOR do they affect actual, concrete gameplay.

Which means the only logical conclusion is a select few players feeling oppressed because someone else got something they didn’t by bug/mistake/deal with the devil. This makes no sense at all, since several have admitted they DON’T have the title, and have no plans to shoot for it, making it of little to zero value in the first place.

As I said before, if you’re worried about what other people have that you don’t, you’re going to have a bad time. Focus on the social aspect of GW2, go play a dungeon or guild rush with your guild, and realize that sitting around in LA with some rare skin is NOT gameplay, its ego stroking in a video game, which is quite sad.

You do realise that ALL MMORPGs or even regular RPGs for that matter focus around loot or similar as the primary reward system, and as such these ARE the primary thrust of the game. This arbitrary definition of ‘fun’ in every one of your posts is completely nonsensical. Has it ever occurred to you that obtaining rewards is the primary source of ‘fun’ for most if not all MMORPG players? The ‘fun’ comes when the reward you earned appears either in your inventory or on your character and handing those out to everyone for free invalidates all of your efforts. And as for your ‘but it dosnt affect the game play! you guys should still be having fun!’ Game play is only ‘fun’ when there is something to work towards. A boss fight is only ‘fun’ if the boss is actually defeated in the end. So yes, removing (or in this case invalidating) the reward DOES affect game play and subsequently ‘fun’. It is beyond me how someone can not understand such a simple concept.

(edited by Ellen Page.2381)