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Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ellie.9150


Just opened on Yak’s Bend

Coo! No, quaggan means, “WoooOOOOooooh!”

Edyith | Yak’s Bend | [FoW]

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Ellie.9150


I just want to say, HOLY COW YB... I didn’t want to pick on you, but with how built up Ogre Watch was, I had to bring balance to the force between Dungeon runs. I think my count was 1 treb, 2 canons, 4 ballistas, 4 arrow carts, 2 mortars, and a catapult destroyed, just at OW. Plus 8 yaks or so.

Good lord you guys love your siege. I hope that rubs off on us FA’ers. Brother can’t get an arrow cart built for the life of me.

Tired of OP [ET] Thief

Sending regards on behalf of my Guildleader/EBG Commander. The guy loves his siege so much that we were talking in Team chat about preventing him from placing more (granted we really need the siege, being perpetually Outmanned and all). We actually hit the cap on the number of siege equipment that could be placed in a single area ^^;

Coo! No, quaggan means, “WoooOOOOooooh!”

Edyith | Yak’s Bend | [FoW]

Music tabs for choir bell

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ellie.9150


2 short pieces from Final Fantasy to add. ( ) Denotes the numbering in the higher octave. Will add more as i figure them out :x

Suteki Da Ne FFX
3445674 45431334 45674321 3445674 45431334 457(2)78

Recollection FFXI
545784 4347(2)(3)(1) 545784 345431

Coo! No, quaggan means, “WoooOOOOooooh!”

Edyith | Yak’s Bend | [FoW]

"I can puke rainbows" dye suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ellie.9150


The first idea sounds like a good idea to expand the dye categories, since we’re only up to rare dyes at the moment. Would probably make it more interesting too since atm (at least for me), I don’t exactly jump with joy for every rare dye that rolls my way since I sometimes prefer the colour tones for the lower tiered dyes.

As for the second part, I like the idea of having an achievement attached to dye collections (could throw it under ‘Fashion’ or something). If anything, it’d give some sense of how many total dyes there are in the game (I’ve collected a fair amount, but pretty sure there’s a lot more out there, just no idea how many…), and possibly some sense of achievement when unlocking new dyes (as opposed to unhappily chucking the dye out when you don’t get a colour to your liking). “I can puke rainbows” also fits nicely into the recent meme culture.

Coo! No, quaggan means, “WoooOOOOooooh!”

Edyith | Yak’s Bend | [FoW]