Showing Posts For Elusive.3065:

Norn thief, do they exist?

in Thief

Posted by: Elusive.3065


[Thug Life] twins

tallest norns

Evasive and Elusive


3 stacks of vulnerability.......

in Ranger

Posted by: Elusive.3065


I wonder if Anet knew the change was a nerf, I bet they thought we would like the change in a power build

Anet values +% damage way too high
hiding a measly +5% gs trait deep in the nature tree <_<

I wouldn’t have minded the nerf if it came with a blast finisher.

(New) Ranger Bug-list

in Ranger

Posted by: Elusive.3065


Alpine Wolf pet f2
Chilling howl : 4 seconds of chill

Only applies a 2 second chill

(New) Ranger Bug-list

in Ranger

Posted by: Elusive.3065


pet f2 does not activate on command if you are running in combat with no target…sometimes

and the ability will go on semi-cooldown if spammed since it won’t activate

(New) Ranger Bug-list

in Ranger

Posted by: Elusive.3065


every single pet pauses for about 1-3 seconds after switching
before deciding to attack the enemy target

(New) Ranger Bug-list

in Ranger

Posted by: Elusive.3065


feline pet f2 will pounce in the direction its facing (miss)
when activating it right after switching pets

not towards the enemy target

(New) Ranger Bug-list

in Ranger

Posted by: Elusive.3065


ranger signet passives don’t apply when entering an ongoing sPvP match

the signets must be swapped out and back or activated for them to finaly work

this only happens on the first match when entering the server

Signets not active when starting sPvP game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elusive.3065


this bug is still going on today

its annoying having to activate or swap around my signets or die
in order for the passive to start working

this only happens to me on the first game in a sPvP server
never in wvw/pve

leaked/unconfirmed Trait changes.

in Ranger

Posted by: Elusive.3065


I re-read the patch notes. Before we all start QQing, check out:

Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.

If it has no cooldown, this will be overpowered as heck!

Pet damage vastly increased in the longrun!

One factor you might be forgetting: Companion’s Might only applies might on a critical hit by your pet. Pets do not gain any of your stats or gear bonuses to their critical hit chance. The highest pet ‘precision’ trait for critical hits are cats and birds. The only way to influence that number would be by putting points in the Beastmaster trait line. So for BM builds, this might be a “must have”. But without points in Beastmastery, with a pet without much critical hit chance, this trait won’t fire (and hence be useless).

Someone with better math skills than I could probably calculate it out in more precise detail.


Companion’s Might

Critical hits grant might to your pets.

— In-game description

Grants 1 stack of might for 1 second.
The critical hits must come from the Ranger.
Critical hits coming from the pet have no effect.


How do you pin down a thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Elusive.3065


signet of the hunt(25%) speed does not stack with the +30% speed trait, nor with swiftness (33%) only one (the highest) speed increase will apply (swiftness) at a time. and the others will be ignored

thief nerf required in www

in WvW

Posted by: Elusive.3065



thief should not get revealed when he attacks in stealth, perma visibility is broken

thief should not be able to stomp in stealth, players last hit by thieves should just die with no downed state

thief should not have condition removal, but turn into boons instead

thief should be Rewarded for Everything they do

thief should be given the Best of Everything

thief should be Perfect

thief should get Away With Everything they do

thief should fly! “lifted up” by Stealth mechanic

and the devs should Promotes and Justifies their action

thief profession name should be changed to The Gold Child
as thief does not fit our Balanced Advantage Supremacy

PSA: Hidden Killer Trait Broken Post-Patch

in Thief

Posted by: Elusive.3065



hopefuly when they fix it completely this time,
in pvp the trait didn’t always guarantee a crit from stealth, it was buggy

now its just broken

Meld with shadow trait nonfunction post patch

in Thief

Posted by: Elusive.3065


the trait is probably not meant to aid stealth from combo fields
as it doesn’t work with blast finisher either

Low FPS in WvW/Cities, what to upgrade?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elusive.3065


thank you so much every one who replied, your information was very helpful,
and dissolved all the frustrations I have had with WvW
(trying all these setting “fixes” that did nothing or worsened my fps)

other games and programs run perfect, so i will just deal with WvW and hope anet makes the game optimized for multicore cpus

i am very tempted to upgrade my video card to the one suggested 7870, because mine is really outdated , thank you for the link, i know what to look for now

thanks again every one!

- John

Low FPS in WvW/Cities, what to upgrade?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elusive.3065


Windows 7 64bit

AMD FX-8120 – 8core – OC at 4.2ghz – stays cold


Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 ti

Power Supply:

inside WvW in large battles my frame rate drops really low, around 10-15
outside battles, i get roughly 30
same with highly populated areas like Lions Arch

this is with the lowest gfx settings and lowest resolution

i noticed that the fps did not change with medium settings
and my highest resolution 1680 × 1050

yet outside of these areas, like sPvP or any other area in PvE that isnt a city

i can run max settings with a solid FPS of 60

so my question is, what should i upgrade or change?

i’m hoping this is just a GPU issue, and should upgrade that

but i want to be certain before i spend $200+ on a decent card

that it will give me a smooth fps of 40+ with high settings in WvW
otherwise i don’t think it would be worth it

(edited by Elusive.3065)

[Fort Aspenwood]-[Maguuma]-[Dragonbrand] 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Elusive.3065


golem rush

taking back stonemist castle this morning

this is Fort Aspenwood!
