Showing Posts For Emashu.5913:

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emashu.5913


Bring back the phalanx armor set!

Will old skins be returning for Black Friday?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emashu.5913


It would be the perfect opportunity to bring some of the old skins back to the gem store.
Please bring back the Phalanx armor set!

Personal story The hactery

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Emashu.5913


Yup, I’m stuck there as well.. this has been bugged for over a week now ._.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


but you have to accept these type of things are more important to others than they are to you.

You not caring about the achievement lets you be lenient with A-Net.
If you look at other comments, there are people who care for the achievement and got it and still think it is wrong. Your opinion is biased and I suggest you’re the one who should exclude himself from this discussion.
“I don’t think it’s the government’s fault the minimum wage is too low for you to make a living. being middle class, I think it’s your responsibility to prosper economically and reach out of your low economical standing – despite the handicaps that prevent you of doing so.”
Point is, if in simulation or in real life, you have to take in consideration the circumstances of the people who belong to what ever you’re running. No, you don’t understand what we’re all complaining about.

LMFAO!!!! Wow bro, you took this to an entirely different level. This entire thread is based on how people missed the MK instance due to RL responsibilities and are agitated for not being provided with ample warning regarding the instance’s imminent removal according to the OP. Just because my opinion is “biased” or conflicting to your own doesn’t mean I should remove myself from a discussion, lol. I’ve already conceded that ANet’s information needs to be disseminated in a more organized and prompt manner, what else do you want from me? xD

No. Having a warning would not make this change any less wrong.
You’re able to “shrug and just move on with your life” because it isn’t as important to you as it is to others.
And excluding yourself from the discussion was a reply to what you said in the previous comment. In my opinion, saying people should handle with it because you can – is wrong, more so than “being agitated”.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


The achievement means next to nothing to me,

Surprise, surprise!

Not really sure what you’re so agitated about, I apologize if me having a different opinion from you upsets you. Perhaps the public forums isn’t the right place for you…

How can you “not be sure” what I’m so agitated about? We’ve been complaining about it for an entire thread.

Allow me to elaborate on my previous response to you. I don’t understand why you’re calling me out specifically as if not caring about an achievement is some kind of elitist attitude or something. I understand what you’re all complaining about, I just don’t really get why you quoted that part of my response and added “surprise, surprise” to it. /shrug

but you have to accept these type of things are more important to others than they are to you.

You not caring about the achievement lets you be lenient with A-Net.
If you look at other comments, there are people who care for the achievement and got it and still think it is wrong. Your opinion is biased and I suggest you’re the one who should exclude himself from this discussion.
“I don’t think it’s the government’s fault the minimum wage is too low for you to make a living. being middle class, I think it’s your responsibility to prosper economically and reach out of your low economical standing – despite the handicaps that prevent you of doing so.”
Point is, if in simulation or in real life, you have to take in consideration the circumstances of the people who belong to what ever you’re running. No, you don’t understand what we’re all complaining about.

(edited by Emashu.5913)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


The achievement means next to nothing to me,

Surprise, surprise!

Not really sure what you’re so agitated about, I apologize if me having a different opinion from you upsets you. Perhaps the public forums isn’t the right place for you…

How can you “not be sure” what I’m so agitated about? We’ve been complaining about it for an entire thread.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


The achievement means next to nothing to me,

Surprise, surprise!

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


I’m not making a stance on whether it’s “poor design” or not, I don’t design MMOs for a living and therefore am not qualified to make the same assessments most of the community likes to toss about when something doesn’t fit their time constraints. What I can make a stance for, however, is that it fits the lore and makes sense in terms of gameplay. It’d be silly if we were still under the threat of the Mad King escaping while he wandered about Lion’s Arch telling jokes and whatnot.

This is exactly the type of problems a good design prevents.
A workaround imo would be letting the event where you hunt villagers be one of the 4 required for “It’s a mad king’s world”, giving everyone the chance to complete it and not only those who have the possibility to play over the week.
Another thought on how this could be prevented is – extend the event until the 5th (The date the Black Lion chests stop rewarding Halloween skins) and have the party bit on Saturday.. in which case nobody could say A-Net didn’t try to be considerate of those of us “with a life”.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


If anything is learned from this I think its that Anet may need to consider more ways to let people know about their time frames for events. Ie. Launcher (not links from launcher, even people are too lazy to click those, but actual news posting that loads directly), in-game news boards, character select news posting or something similar to Gw1.

I kind of agree for the sake of simplicity and kind of disagree because I don’t think being lazy should be justified.

At the end of the day, its sad you missed something like that, but sadly MMOs sometimes require you to stay “well informed” on dates and times of things. And if you can’t play because of IRL stuff, that’s fine, but it should be something you have to come to terms with, with your life. If they want to run the events a certain way they should be able to. People will ALWAYS miss stuff. kitten happens everyday that messes with peoples schedules. Missing one event for a holiday isn’t a big deal. It’ll be there next year. And there is always more events to experience at later dates.

Cheer up, should be some interesting event material coming in November so they say.

^ This.

So anet made an announcement everywhere except for in-game and it’s my fault for not knowing? Got it. Thanks

So you missed the announcement made on the GW2 forums about the dungeon having limited accessibility, yet you managed to get on the forums to make sarcastic complaints. Right…

Protip: Whenever something new is introduced into an MMO, check the forums for patch notes/updates/announcements/news. If you can’t be bothered to click your web browser a couple times, I have no idea what you’re doing playing an MMO.

I agree with this.. I worked really hard trying to get the title for the achievement and because I couldn’t play over the week (army) I missed this..
I feel kinda screwed over, even if A-Net have their reasons.
Like has been said, limiting content to just 2 days while the rest runs for all of Halloween is a very poor decision imo.

It’s not ANet’s fault you had RL responsibilities to attend to. I’m an Army veteran myself and I’ve had to miss A TON of stuff because of the military, but it was my decision to join. I don’t tell my friends they have to have their party on a different weekend because I can’t make it, I just shrug and move on with my life. I suggest you get into that habit while you’re in the military.

So you’re saying having the Act 3 event (and requiring it for an achievement) for 3 days while the rest runs for much longer is not poor design?
It seems like you’re being very thorough about making no relevant point at all..
I’m glad you cope with the lacking thought on some decisions of A-Net, but you have to accept these type of things are more important to others than they are to you.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


I agree with this.. I worked really hard trying to get the title for the achievement and because I couldn’t play over the week (army) I missed this..
I feel kinda screwed over, even if A-Net have their reasons.
Like has been said, limiting content to just 2 days while the rest runs for all of Halloween is a very poor decision imo.

A request

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


What achievement exactly are you missing? None of them were specifically for Act 3 since you could achieve them all the last day of the whole event if you wanted to.

I attached a picture.. it’s one of the four required for “It’s a mad king’s world”

A request

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


I wasn’t able to get the Act 3 achievement due to being in the army over the week.
Could you please make it possible for people like me, who couldn’t play over the week, finish the achievement for Halloween? =\

(edited by Emashu.5913)