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I'm looking for just the right guild for me.

in Guilds

Posted by: EmeraldOne.6089


Howdy Guild Wars 2,

I’m looking for something with a specific list of wants in mind. First off maturity is a huge thing, I want to deal with exactly 0% BS, so if all members were adults that would be cool. (I know age =/= maturity, so cases can be made) Secondly, along with maturity, my fellow guildmates should be all around decent and good people who just want to enjoy themselves, have a bit of escapism, but put their real lives before gaming. Thirdly, I want to actually do things together, people should be socializing and actually enjoying each others company while playing. Fourthly (Which is apparently a word, and not to be confused with fourthmeal. ) I’m interested in all aspects of the game, but none of it quickly. I have absolutely no desire to rush through all the content to reach some sort of paradise that is “end game,” I want to take in each zone, and actually treat the game like a game, not some sort of goofy e-sport or a job. If we wipe on a dungeon or get our behinds royally handed to us in PvP, dude I could not care less as long as we have fun doing it.

So at the end of the day let’s just chat, hang out, kick some donkey posterior, and have a good time. Cheers.