Showing Posts For Emylia Dentei.3069:

No more spawn trebs!

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

When an ennemy built a treb on the eastern side of the crafting tables in citadel to Treb NE Tower…
No chances of killing that one

Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

Yeah, I know it would put some serious problems on a force comming on a map to help. Trying to think outside the box

Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

Hello everyone!
I haven’t read through all 700+ page if this forum so beg your pardon if I’m just stirring cold soup!

I’ve been bored at work and been thinking on recent threads I have been seeing and well… Idea?

So sometimes there is people wrongly activating Tactivators for various reasons.

The idea I have is to “try” and “reduce” the possibility of a person deciding to “troll”. And by that, I mean people who would get on accounts that are stationned on opposing servers and pull them.

I know there’s an option for a guild to restreint access to general public, but how about this?

You cannot activate any Tavtivators unless your account has been on that map for 1 tick.

I know it means that if your zerg gets a call to go save something on another map, you won’t be able to pull anything in that objective. But it gives you an incentive (good word??) to leave scouts as you raid, or rely on players already on that map.

It’s kinda double edge sword, and it’s a sort of thing that might require some testing.

But the trolls would have to find a really good way to counter that lol. They couldn’t stay stationnary because they will get DC’ed. They would have to ACTUALLY run around for 15 mins before pulling anything. They might reconsider their purposes while waiting

Granted this doesn’t do anything towards people not knowing what they are doing and pulling the levers, but this is not of Anet’s responsability to educate the masses; it’s ours

So Am I just quaggan thinking here or is there some plausible materials to work on??

Is now your time for Blackgate & WvW ?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

Blackgate supports new and old commanders alike, andnif there is one thing we can agree on it’s this : Commanding BG is really fun

Alpine Border Land Back - Spawn Treb Bug

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

Please make sure this can be fixed! It is extremely hard to counter when you have a team of so few.
Thank you for everything!

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069


Whatever Tag I’m running ,I will always go for the fight unless I’m heavily outnumbered. Bridge time is not an easy one, and the fact I am still learning how to Fight Command makes my inexperience as deadly as the outnumbered.

Give me fights, let me learn, and long live WvW.
Waterfights ftw.

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

And I love you, XT <3

What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

That’s dangerous Footy, they might target me aswell! Though I will gladly fight (and learn from it) whatever the odds.

I was a Deadzone PPT Commander. Did it for 8 months straight, 4 to 6 hours on week days, 2-4 days a week.

I love the game, but getting WvW level just for funsies is not really funsies.

I almost stopped playing, but stayed because my love and passion for my Beautiful BG is much greater than any poop stuff I can find on maps.

Putting 10 ACs in Fire Keep on Outer Courtyard is not illegal, no. But what’s the point? Okay great, NA will have an extremely hard time if not impossible to breach it. But my lil group of militia around 3am will love the screenshot thoses 10 ACs peovide once we destroy them!!

It doesn’t happen often. Sometimes YB is out in force. Sometimes JQ is nailing it. Other times BG wants a clean-up on Isle 3.

Game = Fun. You play what you want to have fun. If PPT is your fun because you like winning the week, then go ahead and PPT. I would PPT like a madwoman if it gave me something.

Winning WvW as a proud blackgate member because of intelligent startegy /map politics / guilds common efforts is what I want to participate in. Wasting my siege to just get points when I know I will not be able to find the coverage to keep said objectives is pointless. To me.

I always used to call JQBL the poopmap, back in Alpine, because it was sooooooooooo demanding (and frikkin awesome) to just gold your Bay or your Hill, let alone do anything to Garri. It was FIGHTS GALORE, playing the camp/tick, the Wurm points, scouting had to be on point because JQ would hound every corner of your objectives. The thrill. The map queues. Everything….

Now, YBBL is the poopmap. And don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a lot of the game and how it goes. But when you try to take a camp amd there’s 2 AC’s and 1 Ballista’s waiting for you for dinner…. That makes Quaggan sad.

Potential Change to Reset Time

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

Yay for fridays

Disbanding As We Speak [Bye]~Blackgate~English

in Guilds

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

Hello to you all!

My name is Emy, and I am the Guild Leader of Disbanding As We Speak [Bye].

[Bye] is the ‘’Version 2.0’’ of the guild that was in Guild Wars 1. We are fun-oriented, mature and relaxed bunch. We mostly do PvE, and love to party up to go Map Completing and Dungeoning!

In [Bye] everyone is welcome, and respect towards others is very important. A sense of humour is also something that is important, since we love to goof around. But we know how to be serious when required.

Presently having 20+ active members, most of us lives in North America. The main language in the guild is English, but we do have French and others languages aswell. We mostly play all evening long, and sometimes, all day long!

We currently are in Blackgate Server. It’s a nice server, populated and friendly people strolling around. It also fares well in WvWvW.

If the idea of having a guild that is pretty much always online ( leader and officers included ), funny, generous, and determined to have a good time, let us know!

If you are interested to have more informations, feel free to contact me via :
-This Post
-Our Facebook Page :!/groups/disbanding/
-Our Forum :
-Whisper me : Emylia Dentei.3069

Thank you all to have took the time to read this, and happy hunting!!


P.S. English is not my first language, so sorry if I messed up some sentences!