(edited by Entashe.5427)
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I really like what I see. I always wanted to try a pistol pistol thief. Even though the Daredevil elite spec was showcased to wield a staff I think their dagger utilities skill and recent trait reveals at Dulfy really fits into this feel of a gunslinger kiting and hindering enemies approaching him/her.
Trait such as
Unhindered Combat: your dodge becomes a dash (360 distance traveled), gain swiftness (8 sec), removes chill and cripple. Even with an internal cool down this is great as long as the cool down isn’t 10 secs or more…
Impact Disruption: when you interrupt someone apply Pulmonary Impact!
Pulmonary Impact: At the end of the skill duration apply massive damage that cannot critically hit. It has 1803 dmg right now. You gain access to this effect when you successfully finish your Fist Flurry (must hit five times) but with pistol 4 lol.
Driven Fortitude: heal yourself for 461 after a successful dodge goes well with the Flawless Strike trait in the core spec.
Skill such as
Distracting Dagger: use to equip 3 daggers last 15 sec that daze foes for1/4 of a sec each. Yep more Pulmonary Impact opportunities.
Impairing Daggers: fire 3 daggers at once that poison, slow and immobilize that single enemy.
They both have 900 range just like a pistol and has a trait that reduce their cool down by 20% Brawler’s Tenacity.
There are other Daredevil traits that I can see working with Deadly Arts but going with Deadly Arts/Critical Strike/ Daredevil seems glassy to me.
I prefer Critical Strike/Acrobatics/Daredevil seems pretty hard to kill in pvp though as long as you don’t dash into a wall bad in small place… hmmm open wvw battle ground seems annoying too.
I can’t wait to see the final version. Anet it does look op as right now maybe a weaker Pulmonary Impact if it was caused by the trait or maybe it has a 20 sec cool down as the Fist Flurry skill that would balance it? But this new thief play style seems really fun to me don’t remove it because it wasn’t intended (not everyone wants to use staff) balance it out too please.
Another zone like the Royal Terrace, except it will be base in the mist. Much like the Mistlock Observatory with more ruins, broken statues sunken into the ground or carved on another floating landmass. Some crystal flora and moss growing on ruins/ground etc.. because, why not it is visually pleasing to the eyes plus its the mist weird things are the norm.
The size should be a bit more or just half of the The Upper City of Divinity Reach. I mean the npc being close to each other is great e.g Royal Terrace but I can take a few more steps if the scenery is pretty enough.
All the npc should be located on one landmass to increase the likelihood of meeting another player. Having multiple platforms for different services like crafting, mystic forge etc.. connected by stairs seem grand and all but I feel it causes too much isolation between players.
If there is going to be a large ruin (e.g covers 1/4 of the area) right in the middle of the zone, players should be able to walk through it for example the portal connecting players to this area is located under this ruin with branching pathways to your desired npc. You know logic no walking around in circles.
Hmm a bit of lore to make it all fit in the gw2 universe.
A secret closely guarded the by the most famous and wealthy merchants of Tyria. (the name of this place, I am bad at giving names) a place where veteran merchants of distant lands meet and trade their exotic goods with one another. I Evon Gnashblade regretfully relinquished this secret to you for a price of course, ever since Ellen Kiel made me quartermaster months ago during the Scarlet Disaster (I told you I was bad at names) the Black Lion Trading Company has suffered grievous blows to it coffer and is in dire needs for immediate funds.
So why doesn’t Evon use this secret to rebuild his company? Well he is still greedy and doesn’t want the peasants I mean everyone from knowing or else to the Black Lion Company would go out of business. So he is only selling to certain individuals e.g us for a hefty price.
Since this place has different merchant from various parts of Tyria, with future expansion for example Elona, you can add for example an Elonian merchant with his dolyak arriving through the portal visiting various npc before leaving through the portal.
If you were to add this I am willing to pay 40000 gems for it, but if you were to put such price I fear players might attack you with their pitchforks and such. How about 30000 or 25000 for a permanent pass of course. The temporary one could be 200 gems or so for 2 weeks…
It didn’t really meet up to my expectation in visual , isn’t this the same air ship we go on in the living story? But its convenient I suppose :/
Slight buyer’s remorse.