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Can I use a PS3 Nav contoller? If so how?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


Hi there Kid…
I am using a 3rd party ps3-style game-pad. I use XPadder with this which I downloaded free. XPadder allows me to map any keyboard/mouse function or combination of funstions to the pad and designate a different file for each game I play.

I have found the best configuration is as follows:
-I map my movement controls to your control sticks in console fps style – ie strafe and forwards/backwards on left stick, and turn and look up/down on right.
-My 1-4 skills are on my triggers/bumpers (R1, R2, etc).
-4-8 is on d-pad.
-9-10 are where square and triangle buttons would be on a ps3 controller respectivelly.
-Jump is the ‘X’ button on a ps3 controller with dodge on circle.
-Select operates my tab/target select button whilst start is for ‘F’/interact.
-I change weapons by clicking the right stick.
-I access my F1,F2,F3,F4 by clicking and holding the left control stick and using the bumpers/triggers etc.
-I also can move my mouse around the screen for AOE etc by clicking and holding the left stick whilst moving the right stick as a mouse.

I find this really easy to use overall though it does have advantages and disadvantages.

-Much more comfortable playing experience – I can lean back and relax rather than hunching over a keyboard/mouse.
-I am much quicker with my skills now as they are already underneath my fingers.
-Dodging is much easier and as I can disable ‘double tap to dodge’, I no longer accidently dodge at inappropriate moments (such as at the top of a jp!).

-AOE takes a little longer
-Movement can be a little more imprecise when doing jp’s etc although there may be an easy way to set sensitivity on the controller.

Obviously you still need keyboard/mouse for accessing inventory/chatting etc.

Overall I really enjoy using the game-pad – it works great for pve though skilled players I suspect may be better when using a keyboard/mouse in spvp and wvwvw.

Hope this helps!

(edited by Enthilzha.1856)

Guild Wars 2 at top of charts!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


Bojangles – I get it now! That’s a great quote!

You said:

‘The one thing though with WoW was it took things from other MMO’s (which was then there weren’t many to choose from like there is now) and did the good parts even better and left out the bad things.’

This is exactly what I was trying to say (but far less eloquently) that I feel GW2 has done in the present day. WoW was never revolutionary in it’s ideas etc. What changed the genre was that it took everything good at the time, and put it in a very shiny, well produced and implemented package…just as I believe GW2 has done.

As for sPVP… that’s the one part of the game I haven’t done so I can’t really comment!

Guild Wars 2 at top of charts!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


Gehenna, you are correct in saying that there will be vertical progression in the future of GW2 – Anet have said as much themselves.

What is key for me is how this is implemented. If, as Anet claim, this will be a very slow and shallow process, with new gear available without too much fuss, from any part of the game world, then I shall have no issues and not see this as a gear-treadmill.

If, as Anet have clearly refuted, they introduce higher stats/increased level cap every 5 minutes with incredibly hard to get gear etc, I will be as unhappy as anyone. Personally, I don’t think Anet would be that stupid.

At the end of the day, I have played some seriously grindy games, and so far, GW2 is nothing like any of these.

Guild Wars 2 at top of charts!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


Bojangles… I would personally not go back to WoW after playing GW2…but as you rightly say – to each his own! If you prefer another game, that is fine and our differences are what make the world so interesting!

I am certainly not trying to suggest one game is better than another though – even though my personal preference is pretty clear.

I completely agree that GW2 is not a revolution and that pretty much everything in-game has been done before. Like WoW when it first emerged, GW2 for me simply implements all the new ideas in the genre in a much more refined way and in a complete package.

Btw, I have no idea what you meant by flies and boobs etc!


Guild Wars 2 at top of charts!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


Gehenna, you are correct that GW2 has plenty of ‘carrots.’ TBH, without some form of ‘carrot’ or goal, why would people still want to play?

I don’t think Ascended gear is part of that though as the definition of a ‘carrot-on-a-stick’ is that you can never reach your goal as it is always moved on a little further. This has not happened as yet with vertical progression, although if this did start to be the case I would also be very unhappy and feel betrayed. However, I don’t want to pre-judge Anet for something they have not yet done and personally suspect they will never do.

It should be noted that Anet have recognised that Ascended gear is a bit too hard to get right now, and are looking to rectify that in(in the AMA).

Legendary gear is definitely a big ‘carrot’ in the game, but, you know what? I don’t mind that at all! Something like legendary gear should take alot of time and effort but the non-stat based reward is worth it!

I definitely agree though that the personal storylines are weak and poorly-implemented. It is a small flaw in a generally very good gaming experience for me, but nevertheless – disappointing.

Guild Wars 2 at top of charts!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


Guys, of course this is just one set of sales figures (from a reasonably large EU retailer) and quoted on a very large gaming site, and whilst it may not ‘prove’ anything, it is a useful little indicator that GW2 is still selling in good numbers.

And, of course numbers of players have fallen – it would have been astonishing had they not in this genre. However, to suggest that the zones are empty is completely contrary to my experience and many others also (from reading the forums).

It would be interesting to find out from Anet exactly how they measure server-population. My hunch is that it comes from a number of factors including accounts on a server AND actual active players (the fluctuation of server population throughout the day does seem to bear this out). I may be wrong about this but I suspect it is a more complicated calculation than we think.

Guild Wars 2 at top of charts!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


Referring to your 2nd post Gehenna, I agree that like any game in the genre, GW2 does have a grind.

I do still feel that this grind is primarily horizontal though…

Anet have said that any vertical progression will be very slow and shallow, achievable by even casual players – and I see no reason to disbelieve them at this point.

They have said that they do not wish to introduce an endless gear-treadmill and I see no reason to disbelieve them on this either.

They have recognised they made mistakes with the initial implementation of Ascended gear, and that it should have been introduced in all forms of the game at the outset.

They have recognised mistakes were made with the whole Lost Shores event.

It encourages me that Anet are willing to accept mistakes have been made – it shows they do care about the players of GW2. I also think that we, as a gaming community, do no good by making unfounded assumptions about ‘carrot-on-a-stick’ type gaming when all we have seen is one new tier introduced, and been assured it will be rolled out over a very long time.

Guild Wars 2 at top of charts!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


Hi Bojangles.

I think to claim that no-one has said that GW2 is dying, is perhaps stretching it a wee bit – dozens of forum posts are claiming this very thing… I was merely trying to be a bit more positive, and take a different perspective. I know alot of people are claiming that servers are empty, but on Seafarer’s Rest, I have seen nothing of the sort in any zone.

I do agree that WoW is doing very well for an 8 year old game – there is no denying it’s success. Although I wouldn’t go back to WoW now, I do think that it was a superb game in it’s time – much like I feel GW2 is now.

I have been playing MMO’s since UO (I should probably go take a break and have a lie down then!), and have played almost every major game in the genre. I do appreciate that fans of an MMO are more likely to buy an expansion pretty quickly once released – my comment regarding pandas was merely a cheeky aside. I do think it is more significant, however, that GW2 is currently outselling major new releases.

Hi Gehenna.

Grats on being a B5 fan – what great taste you have!

The site the article comes from is PCGamer which should be pretty reputable I think!

I am not trying to prove that GW2 is not dying – just provide a little perspective and some good evidence.

I agree that a player’s enjoyment should be what keeps them in the game….or not. I don’t base my decision to play on how successful GW2 is… I just happen to rather enjoy it. And, if you don’t like it; that is fine too – you don’t have to play at all (though if I didn’t play/enjoy a game, I wouldn’t be posting on the forums!), and I respect your difference of opinion!

Guild Wars 2 at top of charts!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


I completely agree Warlord.

I have no problem with constructive criticism and reasoned discussion, but much of the stuff on the forums seems like a bunch of petulant children throwing their toys out of the pram (perhaps that’s what Tixx is up to, but on a larger scale?!).

People seem eager to make crazy presumptions or look at things in a deliberately ‘glass half-full’ light. For example:

I wasn’t exactly thrilled when Ascended gear was announced for example, but there is nothing I have seen to doubt Anet’s word that it will be a very shallow curve, rather than a frantic grindfest. Also, people who claim we are all being funneled into FOTM, seem to forget that Anet have promised that Ascended gear will be obtainable in all parts of the game in the near future.

Anyway, I am glad the game is doing well and still love it just as much as ever and finding tons to do, despite being many hours into GW2.

Guild Wars 2 at top of charts!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


So, Guild Wars 2 has now gone to the top of the PC download charts once more, beating pre-orders for Tomb Raider, Far-Cry 3 and more (no pandas to be seen!).

Not bad for a game months after it’s release.

Also, not bad for the ‘dying’ game we hear so much about.

So congratulations Anet for creating a wonderful and successful game.

The game may not be perfect, it may be frustrating at times – but it is still a pleasure to play and I am looking forward to where Anet will take GW2 in the future.

Birthday reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


So I reckon, as a yearly treat on their Birthday, ArenaNet should allow players to pick a legendary of their choice.

Ps It’s my birthday and I really like the look of Eternity…

Dear ArenaNet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enthilzha.1856


Firstly, I want to congratulate you on creating a wonderful game and a beautiful game-world for us all to enjoy. Also for your continuing hard work to improve our gaming experience.

Increasingly I feel as though Guild Wars 2 is at an important crossroads that will largely determine it’s future success. Initially you had an enormous amount of player goodwill due to the principles you try to operate by, but this is in danger of being lost in a very short space of time. The difficulties players are having with the current event highlights this. So here are my thoughts (for what they are worth) on how to steady the ship.

1) Improve communication with players.

At the moment there is not enough feedback from yourselves, and when it arrives, it is often late and players.are already angry.

The information provided needs to be prompt, clear and concise, and actually answer gamers questions. For example, if players had an explicit assurance that Ascended items were the last tier being introduced, I think all the fuss would die down regarding that issue.

Please don’t be afraid to offer speedy and sincere apologies for mistakes made. Everyone makes mistakes and most people understand this – and a heartfelt apology would instantly mollify those who are upset. With regard to the current event, it seems as though you are trying to run before the game can walk. We all want ambition and innovation, but perhaps we are not yet ready to see events of this magnitude. If I am right about this, a recognition of said fact and an apology would smooth over ruffled feathers and rebuild the confidence that you are trying your hardest to make a better game for your customers.

2) Get the simple things right first.

To be honest, most players, including myself want to see the basic game operating smoothly rather than big events etc.

There are still more bugs than there should be at this stage, and more botters spoiling our game experience.

Nobody expects a perfect game but I would rather your efforts right now concentrated solely on providing as bug-free and bot-free an environment as humanly possible, as well as introducing the smaller things we need such as Trade-Post previews etc.

Once this stable platform has been established, please do start looking at introducing these events again, in a way that works as intended and makes for a fun experience – better to make us wait a little longer for these treats but get it right!

3) Stick to your principles

What appealed to many before through game was even released was your wonderful manifesto and the promise of a new game in the genre that would put the focus back on having fun. I loved that I could play the game my way and not be forced down one route or another. I want to get myself to level 80 (done!) and get myself fully kitted out and map completed (not done!), and then relax and go wherever I wanted and get involved in whatever I want – I want to be free from the endless carrot-on-a-stick and just enjoy what I have done, and the rewards of that achievement. Many players bought Guild Wars 2 on this basis of your vision laid out in the manifesto – which is why so many feel – rightly or wrongly, somewhat betrayed. I love the idea of sideways progression and working only for cosmetic/vanity items rather than statistical superiority. I want to see new zones, dungeons, items and stories for all levels; especially those at max level – but please add these without forgetting what made Guild Wars 2 such a different and special proposition to begin with.

Anyway, apologies for the essay and I do hope this is read by someone at ArenaNet, and considered properly.

Thankyou once again for the many hours of fun your game has brought me, and the many more fun hours ahead of me.

Best Wishes

Rhonwyn Emrys from Seafarer’s Rest