Showing Posts For Eofkent.8632:

Why are the words tank and healer still used?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eofkent.8632


I just wish there was a clear replacement. I agree that the trinity is dated and more complexity is welcome, but it seems that most players having trouble with even the “easy” story modes are not seeing ANY roles at all. I know some people get it and others don’t as evidenced by those encountering success, but I’d just like an explanation beyond “work together,” " lrn2dodge," and the related ilk. All that reads to me is “random twitch zergfest” and I know it has to be more than that.

“I do profess to be no less than I seem,
to serve him truly…to love him that is honest…”
-The Earl of Kent – King Lear I.iv.547-548

Do Mesmers get any better?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Eofkent.8632


Some superb info here.

I run a phantasm build atm with sword/sword and greatsword. The issue I have is that our phantasms die with the mob. Do you all spread your phantasms to multiple targets rather than training them on one?

Or is it irrelevant because if the mob dies faster than you can summon illusions you are winning regardless? Lol.

“I do profess to be no less than I seem,
to serve him truly…to love him that is honest…”
-The Earl of Kent – King Lear I.iv.547-548

Swearing in private?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eofkent.8632


Apparently such a system is required. It is real life in that real people are interacting. Other people read what you say. Your words affect others.

If this is not understood, then maybe “kindergarten” punishment is, in fact, required?

Next time you want to use profanity, go ahead and whisper it to yourself at a volume no one else can hear. No one will tell on you, I promise.

“I do profess to be no less than I seem,
to serve him truly…to love him that is honest…”
-The Earl of Kent – King Lear I.iv.547-548

Swearing in private?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eofkent.8632


The concept of controlling abusive behavior is neither fascist nor a question of “legality.” If the system is unacceptable to you, you are free to leave.

If you walk into a school, enter a place of business, go to a club, or sit in a movie theater and become surprised, offended, or upset when you are asked to leave for behaving badly, you obviously need a lesson in the social contract. Why should the Internet be any different? Especially since we all agreed to behaving appropriately when signing in.

Complaints about inconsistency are as old as the concept of policy enforcement (I.e. ancient Sumeria). Mods will get better at being fair. I am glad there is enforcement at all. I feel that there are consequences for poor behavior and that makes me glad to log in, honestly.

“I do profess to be no less than I seem,
to serve him truly…to love him that is honest…”
-The Earl of Kent – King Lear I.iv.547-548

(edited by Eofkent.8632)

Swearing in private?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eofkent.8632


It is not the profanity per se, but the vitriol that accompanies it. A filter is irrelevant because I can understand context.

Not wanting abuse in a community does not mean that I need to get a grasp on the real world, or that I don’t know it is 2012. There are a massive number of communities that do not tolerate bad language (homes, school, buisiness environments….etc.). Expecting self control when other people can read what you write is not beyond comprehension.

If you can only achieve emphasis by cussing, there are millions of individual works of literature by talented and untalented artists alike that beg to differ. It is the reason writing is taught to every student at every school in every state.

“I do profess to be no less than I seem,
to serve him truly…to love him that is honest…”
-The Earl of Kent – King Lear I.iv.547-548

Applaud Cursing Ban....thank you Anet.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eofkent.8632


A fascist does not let you leave a community.

No one is forcing you to stay.

“I do profess to be no less than I seem,
to serve him truly…to love him that is honest…”
-The Earl of Kent – King Lear I.iv.547-548

Applaud Cursing Ban....thank you Anet.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eofkent.8632


That’s like arguing against someone being offending because you are screaming profanity in a restaurant. Again, you don’t do it because there is social consequence. You have a problem with it here because you’ve own accustomed to the power of anonymity the Internet provides.

The other day I’m talking with someone in general about how much I like the game and someone says “ur g*y.”

Great, I didn’t understand what he wrote because the filter was on. I should be allowed to speak without being childishly and offensively berated. Do I understand that this person’s ignorance and insensitivity toward other groups of people likely comes from a lack of his or her own inner worth? Sure I do, but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want it shoved in my face for just having a conversation with someone else.

“I do profess to be no less than I seem,
to serve him truly…to love him that is honest…”
-The Earl of Kent – King Lear I.iv.547-548

Applaud Cursing Ban....thank you Anet.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eofkent.8632


Swearing doesn’t necessarily indicate abuse. Just FYI.

I agree. Yet, the attempt is to foster a positive community. It is a simple matter to edit what you say so as not to offend others. Why do people do this normally? To avoid offense as social violations have consequences in the real world. However, in online communities this is rarely the case.

Seemingly, Anet actually cares about community.

“I do profess to be no less than I seem,
to serve him truly…to love him that is honest…”
-The Earl of Kent – King Lear I.iv.547-548

Applaud Cursing Ban....thank you Anet.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eofkent.8632


This is just one person’s opinion, but I want to thank Anet for attempting to foster community. I feel like I can chat, ask questions, and maybe, just maybe, say something stupid without being cussed out or relentlessly attacked.

I look forward to logging in with this realization. Community requires some sort of social contract in which there are consequences to bad behavior. A unmoderated community leads to consequence less bereavement and bullying of others.

What did Anet do? They gave individuals a voice who do not like an abusive community.

They look at each case individually so they are attempting to be fair and also, accounts are being suspended for violations with second chances allowed.

I would like to see others’ opinions who are sick, like I am, of abusive online communities rather than the inevitable deluge of flames.

Thank you Anet. Your attempts have created a community to which I actually want to return.

“I do profess to be no less than I seem,
to serve him truly…to love him that is honest…”
-The Earl of Kent – King Lear I.iv.547-548