Showing Posts For Ephakih.7863:

Kadabra/Owlbearhugs shoutcast!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ephakih.7863


Hey there everyone in the community. I am going to start shoutcasting public PVP matches, maybe a few PVE things in the future and hopefulyl a few tournaments down the road. Just starting out so any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated. My youtube doesn’t have any videos up as of yet, but it will soon when I grab a fraps license.



Thank you!

Mob Difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ephakih.7863


So, this is mainly just a joke post. But here is a list of all the mobs in GW2 in order of difficulty.

1. Fire Elemental in Metrica Province.

2-1008571. Everything else

1008572. Zhaitan

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ephakih.7863


A Lack of information doesnt matter when the game will be here when you wake up Charrgirl. The game has been lacking vital information since before launch. I mean, they barely gave us any info on anything. And even now alot of the info of the mechanics of skills and traits and ect are all hidden. Even information of the Mystic forge is hidden. Does that stop anything? Not really. Go to bed, games will be around when your up. Why wait for something impatiently when you can either sleep or actually play GW2 while waiting. Unlike alot of MMO’s that would have to bring down the server for several hours to apply an update.

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ephakih.7863


The content is free Jatobi. The game came out with a express ammoutn of content. And it was well (if not MORE) worth the price for the ammount of time and entertainment it gives you. It is a full game that works and is the same price as a similar full game that works (Dishonored, Assassins creed ect.) Your paying for the game at that point. This halloween thing (And ALL other updates to the game beyond this point (besides balance issues and bug fixes)) is like getting free DLC for Dishonored. I wouldnt ocmplain about that. HEll they could release halloween stuff for Dishonored during CHRISTMAS and I wouldnt care if it was free. Grow up a bit and stop the QQ people.

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ephakih.7863


So basically when you say “its going live 22nd” you need to advertise it to us EU players as “October 23” because basically that’s it – updates like this won’t roll for us when people are playing and its already 3 AM here so might as well go to sleep now lol.

Or you could just use GMT times so people would better understand.

Really? Everything I read from their twitter, facebook and forum posts said October 22nd (October 23rd GMT). But.. if you werent LOOKING for it I guess you could miss it.

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ephakih.7863


Firstly. I would like to say that the game has been wonderful and full of fun and adventure since release, and now, not even a month after you are providing us with even more awesome. Thank you.

Secondly. You guys realise that this is content we are NOT entitled to. Content we did not expressly pay for with the game we bought. IT shouldnt matter if it comes out now, 2 hours ago or 3 days from now. As Anet have been known for saying “When Its Ready”™. Allow them the time they need to implement the update without breaking everything. Dont be so antsy, be patient. It will come out tonight. None of us should be complaining. Just be nice and patient and Anet will provide you with much love, sexy armor and all sorts of awesome every single patch update. They love their game us much as we do. We need to show them the respect they garnered by letting them do their thing. They know what’s best for their baby.