Showing Posts For Equanox.2081:
That they implemented this is really bad.. Basicly pay to win.
I have really bad RNG too.. I don’t know about the mining pick but I noticed that friends of mine who pay a lot for BL keys and other stuff get a lot more Corrupted Lodestones and Charged Lodestones! I have 148% MF and get about 1 in 2 hours. Friends of mine got like 3 in an hour :S Every single time!
Don’t even need reflecting skills. Just keep him in middle, burn the shield, burn adds and continue :p Nothing to it actually. Everyone just has to pay attention! Guess people are so used facerolling all content in gw2, they stop paying attention…
I think our guild will be doing guild bounty tier 1 for eternity…
I guess if you enjoy getting curb stomped in WvWvW, the near gear isn’t mandatory, lol.
Or if you can actually play your class. That also makes it not mandatory.
That is such an annoying comment. If player A has better gear stats then player B then player A will always have an advantage over player B, no matter what class you play.
It doesn’t mean you WILL lose or that player A will ALWAYS win; just that there is an advantage and you want to be equal in wvwvw.
Thanks for your reply. Because this is the ‘suggestions’ forum I simply had 2 suggestions that would make my experience of the game last longer.
Eventually we will all play out the content and get bored. Some of us quicker then the other. That a lor of people have a great time playing and still do is great, but a lot of us want a bit more endgame and to be honest, there is lot’s of room for a bitmore endgame: even with the ‘vision’ the dev team has. Now endgame is simply non existent.
I’m sure we can find a balance between these two needs. I never stated that ‘THISSHOULD BE IMPLEMENTED BECAUSE I WAN’T THIS SCREW EVERYONE ELSE’. No I simply made 2 suggestions that would, in my opinion, make this game a bit better for level 80 players and last a bit longer.
Everyone is going to play the waiting game for new content at some point. Some the first week, some after a few weeks.
I like what you are saying. I understand this is a problem. Scaling provents people from steamrolling over low level area’s but as you say there isn’t a quick solution for content that wouldn’t be accesible for players that do not want to obtain gear etc.
Think we have to wait for extra content from Anet to see what they have planned but I think there is not enough content to keep a level 80 player around for a longer time. The game as it is now seems to be optimized for ‘every gamer’ and not enough for the players that want a bit more progress at 80.
They marketed Gw2 as having no ‘traditional endgame’. “You will be doing the same thing you were doing as you were leveling” one dev even said. On the Orr areas he is correct but grinding a dungeon for gear seems very traditional. Diference is that it’s just visual and has no real purpose and you don’t need it for further progress.
I like what’s there to offer besides dungeons don’t get me wrong, but I’m finding it more difficult loging in everyday because at 80 the game seems to lack further progress and everything is ‘just for fun’ or ‘visual’. I can only enjoy jumping puzzles for that long..
“Then this game is not for you”. Maybe but there is a lot of room for content progress after 80 witouth forcing the player to do it or touching the experience.
I am sorry but you have a vague definition of what a ‘hardcore’ gamer is and you make it look like you have inside knowledge of the dev team. Yes content will be cleared by a group of people the first week or even first days. But that doesn’t mean that it shouldnt be there? All players will be given the opportunity to do the content. Some the first week, some after a few months.
There is currently no endgame and this isn’t good for a game that (your words) should last 8-10 years.
Basicly you are saying that we should not specialize in 1 character and play all of them. What if I don’t want that? What if i want to specialize in guardian, optimize it for every situation. What’s there to do? I’ve done world bosses, done all the jumping puzzles. What’s next? Grind hours and hours for karma in the same Orr zone for a legandary that’s going to shoot rainbows?
No: I want to have a challenge in the game and a challenge with friends. I want to down bosses with a select group of people of guilds and not faceroll over world bosses like it’s happening now.
I realize this debate is leaning towards a discussion of hardcore/casual player where even the term ‘hardcore’ is interpreted diferent. There are a lot of reasons why the system is good as it is, but there are an equal amount of reasons why the system is bad as it is now.
You can choose what you want to do at 80 but you can’t choose endgame bosses, endgame dungeons, endgame quests except for farming karma in Orr areas.
Great that you want to experience every inch of the game. I want to focus on 1 character and play it to the fullest. At 80 it’s hard keeping yourself entertained when rewards are only visual after farming the same dungeon 30+ times.
(edited by Equanox.2081)
I completely agree. It’s up to Anet what they want with this game. If they continue to do the same with expansions I guess I will only play it trough once. But my hope for now is that they find a way to accomodate the needs from casual/hardcore and in my opinion there is lot’s of potential to do this without altering the experience for everyone else.
What’s already in place is very well done. I never questioned that. I just know that a few simple tweaks and optimiziations will also satisfy the ‘hardcore’ mmo player. This doesn’t affect the experience you have in the game. Gear seems to be a sensitive issue.
@Morrigan @Tosha Daydreamer
I think you are missing the point that everything on level 80 is a grind at the moment. Nobody likes to grind but when you do it, you want to get rewards. If you are not rewarded well enough (ie. only getting a few blues afer defeating a dragon that doesn’t fit on your screen) then what is the point?
The experience is great but if you have to run a dungeon 20 times to get a full armor set that looks diferent but has the same stats, what’s the point?
I know I haven’t done EVERY dynamic event on the whole map, but i’ve done 100% and don’t want to walk around for hours just so I can help a little girl out of a cave.
(edited by Equanox.2081)
One thing I like to add is that the suggestion about gear is not a new system of obtaining gear or creating some kind of gear treadmill. The suggestion I do is based on what’s already in the game. The only thing I changed is the order in wich you obtain green → rare → exotic items. The system now allows you to skip everything and get exotic gear in minutes on hitting 80.
In other words: I should compare this game to Skyrim instead of WoW?
I play the game and when it’s finished I can choose to do everything again in a slightly diferent way?
I’m not saying it’s a bad game. I was just stating some tips that might stretch the lifespan a little bit. But maybe you are right, maybe this was how it’s suppose to be. Play it and move on!
Read my comment to Tosha Daydreamer about my opinion on the ‘gear treadmil’. And for the PvE. It’s nice to hear about how you enjoy the PvE in this game.
What I tried to say in this topic is that there are ways to please the ‘hard core mmo player’. They have done a great job for non-mmo players and RPG gamers but the simple addition of putting world bosses available as an instance there is a chance that the more ‘enthousiastic’ mmo fan will enjoy this game for a longer period of time.
@Tosha Daydreamer
I understand and you make a valid point. Gear shouldn’t be the primary focus of a game. I’m not saying it should be but I think, as Gustoril pointed out, there should be more then just a visual diference from gear that you can easily aqcuire and gear that took month’s of grinding.
You make a valid point on gear and gear progression but you don’t comment on end game. Let me ask you this: what else is there after you completed every dungeon step, 100% completion and doing all the meta events except for pvp and leveling an alt?
The lack of progression at level 80 is something that is closely related to gear but not limited to.
“We do not want you ro grind in this game. We think this is not ok” except for when you’re level 80 and everything in PVE is one (boring grind) for armor skins or tokens. Farming events, farming dungeons. It feels like the ‘vision’ for 1-79 is dropped as soon as you hit 80. Don’t get me wrong I really liked this game and i’ve played it for a good full 2 weeks of /age time.
The focus seems to be on PVP at 80. I think that there are a few things ‘wrong’ in PVE. I will list them below. I’ll first tell wha I feel is wrong about it before I tell what I think should be done about it. TL;DR Skip to ‘Recap’ when you want to avoid reading the big text below
- Obtaining skins doesn’t feel rewarding; the stats are the same.
Obtaining exotic stats is not hard at all (easy). Once you are level 80 you can craft exotics of buy them off TP for a fairly low price. The problem is that all exotic gear has the same stats. At level 80 everything you do for gear will be for the skin. One big grind for a weapon/armor skin. I know a lot of people like this, even I did like it at first but because all the stats all the same it doesn’t feel rewarding obtaining a skin. You can show it off but you can’t inspect each other so it’s just a skin..
- Loot-system design doesn’t feel that rewarding.
Dungeons are really fun to do but not if you have to grind it 30+ time’s to get a full set or a weapon. Because the loot is a big pile of (vendor/salvage) blues, greens and ocassionally a rare and the money is not bad but not that good either. The main purpose to be in the dungeons seems to be the tokens. I don’t mind farming tokens but I don’t like the fact that there is nothing else to obtain. Sure there are dungeon sets but the gear obtained from outside the dungeon doesn’t look that much diferent.
World bosses
No world boss is difficult in this game except for when you don’t have enough people. A boss is either ‘not doable’ or ‘easy’ with not much in between. Also the loot is not so rewarding for killing a dragon that barely fits on your screen. The experience is great the first 2/3 times. After that it’s ‘been there, done that’.
- Slaying a boss isn’t that rewarding.
- Loot-system design doesn’t feel that rewarding.
Here are some things I think will increase the lifespan of PVE content and keep people loging in, not just for PVP.
Loot Sytem tips
I know Anet want to have a gear system that doesn’t force you to do anything but enables you to do everything. But what makes MMO’s strong is the personal progression. Gear progression is a big part of that. Why spent hours of grinding for another skin when everyone can get the same stats?
To make loot system more rewarding there should be a logical increase of stats. Not only blue, green, rare, exotic. For example: you can get gear from a dungeons story mode and craft similar (stat) armor. After you get a full set you can go explorable where rare crafting recipes drop same as rare armor from the bosses. Then you can spent the tokens from expl. on exotic crafting recipes or exotic armor.
- Loot is more rewarding like this.
- Crafting exotics will be harder (recipes more difficult to obtain)
- More fun to ‘grind’ dungeons knowing your making progress, not just farming tokens.
World bosses
One simple tip: Make world bosses also available as an instance
The number of people needed 10 or 20 or even 30. Guilds want to beat big dragons together. World bosses are a lot of fun but mind numbing easy when there are lots of people around and not doable when there are only a few. Anet can even enable difficulty levels on the bosses in the instance (easy/medium/hard).
Voila raids enabled with content already in place. Everyone can slay the big dragon outside of the instance so there is no loss on experience. But instanced bosses can provide (guild) achievements and even some loot/rewards that are not obtainable outside the world.
- Loot system doesn’t feel that rewarding at the moment.
This can change by a logical increase of stats within the endgame at level 80. (example given above) Gear progression is a big part of an MMO and it’s missing completely in GuildWars2. It’s a big grind for skins at the moment and a big rain of blues/greens and an ocassional rare.
- Make world bosses instanced
Make a 10, 20, 30 player instance of every world boss to a tight group of friends/guildmembers can fight the dragon for (unique) rewards or (guild) achievements. This way everyone can experience the boss fight (in the open world) and an instanced version for the people that want an extra challenge. Anet can set a difficulty (easy/medium/hard) all with their appropriate rewards.
(edited by Equanox.2081)
Same happened on Desolation yesterday but when he reached 60% or so. After we got him to 0 hp he flew away, none got loot and the event is still up since then.