Showing Posts For Eracane.7034:
I actually feel bad for the JQ gang right now. I am still on HoD, most of my guild left with the rest of TA. We had this same thing happening a few weeks back if you all remember. HoD hit #1 and the bandwagoners flooded the server for free wins so we owned everything to. There really is nothing balanced here, the first week or two of tier one matches was really fun and then the free server transfers killed it. I noticed ET is having similar issues in Tier 2 as well. Their group is basically non-existent.
I will say this, ty JQ, SBI, and ET, for the awesome fights in the begging of the one week match-ups, it was really fun. Until they stop with the free transfers I am sticking to Planetside 2 beta sadly. I would say I hope someone comes along and takes JQ out but sadly if they do then it is just going to be a new bandwagon world
(edited by Eracane.7034)