Showing Posts For Erostrate.4326:
Happy new year.
Wow, it’s a very close match. I hope it will last during the whole week
I knew an Elona’s blood transfusion would revive T1.
Looking forward to play against Viz next Week !
I still have great Memories from the Fights against you, in the time we visited T1.
Hi, in VS we all remember how hard you kicked our kitten when you came in T1 some time ago. You were the first to do it, and since then, T1 is much more challenging and fun. We learnt many things from you.
I hope it will be as fun next week. It looks like during holidays Elona is unbeatable.
And gogo SFR, don’t surrender yet or you’ll lose too much players from transfers and you’ll go back in T2. It’s the issue with too much players from non national servers, they lack server pride, and switch when they lose to winning servers.
And I agree with Eccentric.3649.
Stop whine ! Go fight ! RG we miss you ! And glory to vikings !
Merry Xmas and happy new year from VS!
I hate WvW loots because if you are a support guardian, you never drop anything ! While your walls, boosts, hammer ring, sanctuary and heals help your party more than anything else, thieves and warriors with there huge burst, even with low skill, drop tons of them..
They jump into the fight, send all there area skills randomly, while you, guardians, are doing your best to protect everyone.
And if you choose to be a damage dealer guardian, you’re anyway doing not enough damage to claim any loot. You have to be the first to engage to hope get some, but you’re too slow.
Please, make badges a currency. Give badges directly in your bag. And give badge rewards when you are upgrading a keep, and give some to supports too. If ennemies are blocked by my wall, I should have a probability to get a reward. If I give mass heals to my allies, I should too. Etc. Then, even with the same probability as now we’ll all get more badges. The gameplay will only be improved.
S’funny. SFR goes to sleep some time after midnight a couple of thousand ahead and wakes up to find viz have a 10K lead.
That plus calling in reinforcements from other servers plus the spies – not a lot of respect for Viz atm…..
Nightcap is part of the game since day 1. Yes, it’s boring when you wake up with a full map controled by the ennemy, but rules are the same for everyone. It’s a 24/7 game.
Reinforcements ? Tell me one new guild tag. Myself, I can tell you many guild which migrated to BT or SFR during previous weeks or months. It’s part of the game , free transfers. So stop whine.
Why is there always drama in these thread, whatever the server.
I’m enjoying fights atm, even if BT and SFR seems to have more people in christmas holidays than VS. Last night, PRX crew were much smaller than they used to be.
I was a PUG some hours ago in a fight around the south camp in SFR BL, MORT against OSC were really fun to see.
MORT won most fights , mostly with very nice portal bombing, but were wiped in the end because they were too splited (maybe they went back to fight again, but I was not there). Too bad I don’t know how to film because it was amazing fights.
Congrats SFR!
I really hope, unlike others, you’ll not be bored or will “take a break because you won T1, you are the best, end of the story”.
I hope next week will be, at least, as fun. Maybe BT will wake up and we’ll get an amazing 3some.
Anyway, VS is already rdy to fight you again, even if week-end is our weakness.
See you.
edit. Btw, “french fries” are from belgium – only saying, in support for VS belgians.
(edited by Erostrate.4326)
really missing [mort] and [fm] from VIZ. sorry but for [rg], you guys are the only ones coming at us. everyone else runs/hides/jumps on siege weapons/roleplays. like ER did to us. boring. i don’t play for the points or server, but play to fight the “top” wvw guilds. bring it. like the first week we ([rg]) fought you.
Hi, BT and VS way to play W3 are not the same. BT’s driving force is your huge guilds (RG, Xaoc &co) while VS is its PUG&guilds coordination.. We’ve got many little guilds, mort or fm are tiny in comparison with your main guilds, and a huge PUG playerbase.. VS strenght is to coordinate everything.
Because you shouldn’t forget VS and AS servers didn’t change so much since the begining of the game. While BT is what it is thanks to migration of many dedicated players. You can’t expect other servers to be like you.
Last week, when your main guilds were not in W3, maps were blue. VS is constant, every week, every day, we’ve got quite the same population connected, that’s why we are in T1 since so long.
But still, we’re slowly bored of W3.. We are fighting since 3 months to stay in D1, and the game didn’t change so much.. Capture the keep, upgrade your keep and lose it. It was really funny at the start, now it’s getting old.. Even in primetime, W3 is often not full.
Sometimes I even regret orbs, you had to fight to take them back or to protect them.. They should reintroduce them with lower stats boost. And to stop cheat, only an armored dolyak should be allowed to transport it… People would have to protect the dolyak from both other servers during the travel.
BT is the first server which truly took the first place from VS. All others servers used everything they got to beat VS the first week in T1 but were exhausted the next ones, and went back to T2.
Imo, your guild is the strongest, at least, in european servers. But you play too competitive, you should look to sPvP or maybe america because european W3 is to casual for you..
See you in 3 months, W3 will be dead before if Anet doesn’t implement new things.
(edited by Erostrate.4326)
Blacktide deserve to be first and night-capping is not an issue, it’s part of the game.
Blacktide is winning because they got everything : biggest hardcore player population, greatest coordination, biggest total population 24/24h logged in W3.
None server could ever compete against BT but if all trully dedicated W3 players from all other servers (including national) migrate to only one. This will never happen.
I think things will change by themselves. VS gave up the first place, they will only fight to stay in T1. But no server want to come in T1 but, maybe, the spanish one although it seems they would hardly compete against VS.
So many BT players will soon be bored. They are dedicated players, and to fight only for some towers, supply camps and jumping puzzle against few people is boredom in long term.
Anet should really think about this issue. Some players do like W3 too much and will transfer to other servers to keep fighting. But some will leave the game too. If competition is too unequal and there is no new W3 content, people will move to an other game.