Showing Posts For Esad.8190:

Raid Party Grouping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esad.8190


signed, just made a post about this yesterday without seeing this one

Some ideas for commander (or lieutenant)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esad.8190


Not exactly, because pve group content is designed and tuned to the current party size, but the ability to have multiple groups able to join up and see each other’s health bars and map locations. Effectively a basic raid tool available in most other MMO’s

Some ideas for commander (or lieutenant)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esad.8190


So a group of friends and I have just come back to playing again after a few monthkittenus and we are all about wvw. Since there are about 8 of us that play together, I figured I would shell out the gold for a commander title so we could all be together. Now, obviously it is my fault I didn’t research it more, but I was somewhat surprised to find two things which seemed ridiculous to me. The first is that you can’t see health bars or player dots within the squad system outside of your party. The second is that if you want to have the squad functionality you HAVE to have the commander icon activated. This is all well and good (I suppose) for the zerg v zerg war mentality when you have 1 or 2 commanders tagged up leading said zerg, but for the small roaming groups it is absolutely useless, and if your group is more than 5 people you are SOL.

I would propose, then, that either the current commander functionality is amended with more options, or a new purchaseable title is implemented (call it lieutenant or something) which acts more like a small raid group with multiple group windows and shared map utilities (waypoints, blue dots for raid members) and has the option to not show the zone wide map tag. I play with my guild friends and we enjoy the smaller unit game in WvW, not the big zerg action. Its a shame that there is nothing in the middle to accommodate our play style. We wind up having two partial groups with limited ability to cooperate (we can’t see them on the map, we can’t share focus targets etc).