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Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MilitiaMasterV.7216


It would be nice if they were account bound instead of character specific.

I have only used a single dye (Silver Lead on my warrior for better armor look.) and have approximately 40 dyes saved up because I don’t want to use them ‘per character’.

I’ve read a few other threads stating this but they all end up locked because they were in the ‘wrong’ sub-forum.

This is probably the one major flaw I’ve seen so far in the game, which would disavow me from even considering purchasing gems on the store.

I find it slightly disturbing that game developers are making things ‘character specific’ as I’m an altoholic and tend to create a new character or delete and rebuild characters ‘on a whim’.

An example of why this is bad : I was over on Star Trek Online and they had a ‘25th Anniversary’ celebration going, and the things you could earn were ‘character specific’. So therefore, an event that came around ONCE IN A LIFETIME was given to a few specific characters and they (the players) could never again earn it or use it.

I realize that they want us to be purchasing dyes in their in-game store, or via the trading post but I’m the type of person that never purchases frivolous fluff like this from in-game stores. The types of things I use in-game Real Life currency on is more storage or buying expansions or more character slots.

(I was over on LOTRO for a year and used my monthly stipend to buy 2 of their expansions via their store and their cross account bank and wardrobe storage. When I ran out of things like that to purchase towards the end, I bought a bunch of character slots and a few emotes that I hadn’t been able to earn in-game. I left the game with a big pile of their currency so if I ever come back I can buy more expansions/more storage/more character slots.)

I will probably continue holding onto these dyes if they remain ‘character specific’ and since there is probably over 100 dyes, sooner or later it will make it so I have no remaining storage left, at which point I will probably leave the game rather than purchase more storage. I don’t like games that have what is similar to a repeating/infinity loop when it comes to items.

This is just my opinion, I gather I’m somewhat unique in my views.

Difference between Living World and F&F?

in Living World

Posted by: ColinJohanson.2394


Game Director

Living World is really a broader concept, it’s the idea that Guild Wars 2 is (and will become more so) a truly living game, where the world can change and constantly evolve going forward.

This will come in a lot of different forms. One example of stuff we’ve done in the past is new events, dungeons, guild missions, etc. being added that constantly expand the range of content and experiences. We want to keep doing more and more of this with our world in the future, to constantly provide new exciting things you can discover and experience any time in Gw2.

Another form of this is through special events, things like Halloween, Hunger Games, or Wintersday where content is available for a period of time, is removed from the game when that period is over, and could appear again in the future in some form to help provide unique and fun experiences in the game world.

Finally, the storyline of this type of content going into the world is really the “living story” in a sense for the game. We want to try and theme our releases with storylines and main characters in the game world that have exciting story arcs, a lot of the permanent new content, special events, etc. will all have these core story arcs that drive them in the game world. Much like the story of Halloween drove around the potential return of the Mad King, storyline for our living world releases will play a big part in the content that appears and changes the world as a result.

We want to make this a much bigger part of where Gw2 goes in the future, to give a sense that the world truly can change constantly as you’re playing and every time you login. What we’ve done with Flame and Frost so far is really a very small example of what we view the living world to be as a future possibility for Gw2. Things more along the lines of Halloween, Lost Shores, and Wintersday are stronger examples, along with the new events, guild missions, etc. we’ve added in releases since launch.

The goal is to provide a unifying storyline to the world that ushers this new content into the game, changes the game, and makes the world feel truly alive. It’s like every month your GM is running new scenarios for your gaming group to enjoy, or your favorite TV show is airing new episodes to experience. We’re really barely scratching the surface of what this concept can be for our game, and we’ll be building much more in that in 2013.

Difference between Living World and F&F?

in Living World

Posted by: Mif.3471


Living World is really a broader concept, it’s the idea that Guild Wars 2 is (and will become more so) a truly living game, where the world can change and constantly evolve going forward.

Onward to Asuran world domination!

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Difference between Living World and F&F?

in Living World

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Another form of this is through special events, things like Halloween, Hunger Games, or Wintersday where content is available for a period of time, is removed from the game when that period is over, and could appear again in the future in some form to help provide unique and fun experiences in the game world.

Hunger Games… 0o! Hunger Royale!? Like BWE (Beta Weekend Event) did? woot! I wondered since then, what if any other maps might be good for Hunger Royale, for the Great Critter Hunt, or the Branded event. ( )
Imagined what WvW map would feel like with a weekend long event of HungerRoyale in timed intervals. Que up to team with your server, last as long as you can vs 2 other server teams (unable to enter any building). When the game ends, scores tallied, rewards given. Que up for another match or move on. Always wondered what those BWE might end up doing (besides a stress test focusing large populations of players into one map).

I was thinking more like forcing Asura Progeny into an arena and seeing who the last one alive was.