Guild: eStars (former Jokers)
Showing Posts For Evie.2794:
Guild: eStars (former Jokers)
Just went into sPvP to get a nice clip for you with
0 points in water and
only 15 in arcane
0 in earth ….No might stacking…
No Quickness…
No Elite…
No Roots…
No CC …to burst someone down ( unlike Warri or Thief) , and all AOE!!!
1 clip is kinda meaningless, don’t you think? Show us all the other footage where you get 2-shot by everyone and die in seconds. Now spec glass cannon on thief, mesmer, or warrior and kill people in seconds without being 2-shot consistently seconds after engagement.
Why? People said Ele woudlnt do any meaningful damage and i proved them wrong.
Ele has more killing potential (because of the aoe) and still more group support then those classes you mentioned.
Thiefs, Warriors, Mesmers do literately nothing outside their combo.
Thiefs cant kill kitten if their opponent has even 1 CD left and are free farm for any class in high tpvp. They cant 1on1 on a even skill level and they need to have everything ready to kill (+ Elite —> Basilisk Venom)
Warriors cant burst if their target isnt stunned or rooted and they cant get a HB trough without Frency and get destroyed through conditions same as thiefs.
The 3 classes have 1 skill or 1 rotation to keep track off and try to avoid. Ele has 15 skills that are worth dodging and no fixed rotation and a rediculous amount of conditions.
In high tpvp against ladder guilds im the 1 to engage their mesmer on their point because i take them down 100% of the time, its cake. Same with Support Eles, Engis, Guardians, Necros.
Guild: eStars (former Jokers)
I feel the same was as the OP. Everyone posting builds that they do good with in response to the OP are posting bunker builds. Will we get a viable spec thats not 30+ water and/or 30+ arcane?
Probably not.
Reroll. lol.
Some easily implemented fixes that I suggest:
1. Lower attunement swapping time across the board.
2. Bring back the EA blast finish. Bug or not.
3. If half our traits are dealing with conjures, make the friggin’ conjures viable. Make it so they only replace the skills of the element they are attuned to and
allow us to swap attunements with a conjured weapon.4. Class needs a base damage buff in general. Doesnt have to be big since we do have a lot off CC, but our base damage skills do almost no damage compared to other classes, especially specced heavy damage.
5. We have too many long cast times, directional facing requirements and aimed skills. Tone them down a bit. (this could also be used to fix thief what if some of their huge burst skills had to be aimed like fire grab instead of just spammed?)
More damage? Realy? Ele has by far the highest burst potential and wrecks everything that balls up. You gotta be kidding right?
oh im sorry, you have probably missed the might stacking thief and warrior, it is a shame you havent played more than 2 games to see one of them on each game
Yeah, probably i should play more games on my ele because obviously 1500+ games with Ele arent enough or 600+ twins or beeing 1 of the highest ranked EU Eles.
Just went into sPvP to get a nice clip for you with
0 points in water and
only 15 in arcane
0 in earth ….
No might stacking…
No Quickness…
No Elite…
No Roots…
No CC …
to burst someone down ( unlike Warri or Thief) , and all AOE!!!
Guild: eStars (former Jokers)
I feel the same was as the OP. Everyone posting builds that they do good with in response to the OP are posting bunker builds. Will we get a viable spec thats not 30+ water and/or 30+ arcane?
Probably not.
Reroll. lol.
Some easily implemented fixes that I suggest:
1. Lower attunement swapping time across the board.
2. Bring back the EA blast finish. Bug or not.
3. If half our traits are dealing with conjures, make the friggin’ conjures viable. Make it so they only replace the skills of the element they are attuned to and
allow us to swap attunements with a conjured weapon.4. Class needs a base damage buff in general. Doesnt have to be big since we do have a lot off CC, but our base damage skills do almost no damage compared to other classes, especially specced heavy damage.
5. We have too many long cast times, directional facing requirements and aimed skills. Tone them down a bit. (this could also be used to fix thief what if some of their huge burst skills had to be aimed like fire grab instead of just spammed?)
More damage? Realy? Ele has by far the highest burst potential and wrecks everything that balls up. You gotta be kidding right?
Guild: eStars (former Jokers)
We run :
Roaming Warrior
Roaming Ele
3 classes that are considered “useless” and no freakin Thief and we still win 95% of all paids.
Guild: eStars (former Jokers)
Evie… most dumb answer ever and i will explain why:
1. its from hot-join
2. it only shows pointshigh points yust means your team lost alot of bases, then your team zerged the points and you stood on them with 5 people to get the cap-points instead of doing something usefull
so.. gratz
I only capped 3 points!! (see screeny)
Killed 29 (or atleast damaged them), camped nearly the entire time their base and didnt die even once.
Its not problem for me to post screenshots of my Ele in paid tournys and free with 250-350points against guilds like supersquad, team paradigm etc.
Guild: eStars (former Jokers)
idk what issues you mean?
I felt godlike before the patch… and now its just hilarious.
Guild: eStars (former Jokers)