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1/28 Dungeon update: Your thoughts?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EvilInuyasha.4153


I don’t mind the fact that you cannot use waypoints when your party members are in combat, but some bosses are extremely difficult now due to this. I was playing Crucible of Eternity earlier which we ending up abandoning the run due to the difficulty of Subject Alpha – part 2 on path 2 after countless attempts.

Pretty much this. Subject Alpha is one of those bosses that you’re pretty much guaranteed 1 person is dead at any given time. Mind you, you fight him a third time too, and he only gets harder.

The game is balanced around using the waypoint to run back to the fight, because there are too many bosses right now that guarantee a player death. I mean a 0% chance of survival if a person slips and gets hit. Even if you build a lot of toughness and vitality, it doesn’t matter, you’re going all the way down.

And the waypoint res thing made it possible to run with some random group that you didn’t have planned. I guess if it gets implemented, dungeons will be a hardcore perfected group only type of thing where everyone knows the ins and outs of every boss they fight.